Have you, or has anyone you know, left the UK to start a new life?

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08 Oct 2013 4:48 PM by DocumentaryResearch Star rating. 1 posts Send private message


I’m Charlotte and I’m a producer at Raw, a BAFTA-winning television production company, where I’m making a documentary for Channel 4 about people who choose to walk away from their life and disappear.

As a part of my research, I’m talking to people who have moved overseas unannounced, cutting off all contact with their friends and families back home.

If you or anyone you know has left the UK without telling anyone, whether it’s a few weeks, months or even years ago, please contact me in the strictest confidence on +44 (0)20 7456 0800 or by emailing missing(at)raw(dot)co(dot)uk.

By getting in touch you are in no way obliged to take part in the documentary, and nothing you tell us will be passed on to anyone else. But it would be great to hear about your experiences and to tell you more about our project.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Best wishes,



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08 Oct 2013 5:02 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

If they choose to disappear, doesn't that make it sound like they did it for reasons...… and don't want to be found.

If I tell you about someone that I know who disappeared then surely once you blab it about on channel 4 then he wont have disappeared any more...…Now would he?

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10 Oct 2013 9:22 AM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

eos_ian´s avatar

I think that profile will be hard to find! If they left unannounced nobody will know where they went and if they did do it it is for a reason as Baz says and will probably not want to share that info with anyone as it does sound suspicious. So it may be that we all know people within this profile but don't actually know it..... so basically as I understand it, it is a programme on missing people whose family and friends "believe" they left the country to start a new life abroad? becasue if it is the other way round they are unlikely to tell their story as they would have "reappeared" if it goes out on Channel 4 as Baz just mentioned. Or have we misunderstood the aim of the programme? 

good luck searching




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10 Oct 2013 9:36 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Wouldn't surprise me either if this wasn't some sort of programme run by the police, or these new government agencies (Think Sting) to get people to snitch on folk, who they know of that have "Disappeared', so they can flush them out.

"Nothing you tell us will be passed on to anyone else".......Now thats something I have never heard before....Says he with a sarky grin.

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10 Oct 2013 12:33 PM by ElviriaDreamer Star rating. 99 posts Send private message

ElviriaDreamer´s avatar

Hi Charlotte

If in the process of your enquiries, you come across anyone using my details http:www.facebook.com/nikkij1970
as left the UK and living in Spain, I am alive and still living in Cippenham, Slough...the same place I have lived for 13years.

I was going to leave the UK in 2010 with my caravan for Spain, but never did leave.

However, someone in Spain has been using all my details for financial gain. If you come across this person or people living in Spain using my details, you may wish to turn them in to the right people!

Nicola Jenkins (Nikki)

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