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Just looking carefully at a recent Electricity Bill from Iberdrola, contract which, was set up by our solicitor last year
Noticed two EXTRA charges 1. Electrical Emergency Service 1.99 E per month and 2. Payment Protection Insurance 1.62 E a month.
Asked for none of the above so can anyone let me know if they can be cancelled as I dont need or never asked for PPI and only use as a holiday home ?
Fomer member revisiting r.
........................... contract which, was set up by our solicitor
Have you tried speaking to the lawyer who 'got it wrong' and I dare say charged for the work?
Not yet because I wasnt sure if other customers had the same charges (maybe added by Iberdrola) on the Electric Bill and I have fallen out with the Solicitors on other matters ref trying to stitch us up with extras..
weve never heard of PPI on Electric Bills before
Fomer member revisiting r.
Aliton, In 30 years that I have had a property in Spain and taken care of relative’s and friend’s properties, I have never seen those charges.
This is an extract from a typical bill:-

If you have a look at some of their current plans, both of these are offered free for 6 months, and then, of course, a charge kicks in. My guess is your solicitor just signed you up for these, and forgettco mention that you needed to cancel them. I would just call then and tell them you want to cancel them. This message was last edited by Kathyslad on 06/10/2013.
In my experience it is very difficult to cancel anything in Spain. Our Spanish friend goes to the Ayuntamiento and sends a 'burofax' from there; never done it myself, but it's an idea to do this if you're over any time soon. Or, maybe better would be to ask your solicitor to send this burofax, for free, given that they set it up without explaining the implications to you. I would then ask the solicitor to send you a copy of the burofax 'for your records,' but in fact to check they've actually done it.
We've cancelled direct debits directly with the bank and they've gone ahead and continued to pay out hundreds of euros against our instructions and we've also instructed our lawyer to do stuff which she then hasn't bothered to do and hasn't told us that she hasn't done.
My account of moving to Spain."><img
1) I think you will find you receive a 10 percent discount on electric for having "signed up" to this scheme as advertised on the Iberdrola website and possibly a fixed rate to 2015. You will need to confirm this.
2) If you go to the TV shop in Puerto Mazarron next to the old market, they are the Iberdrola agent and should be able to amend/confirm details.
This message was last edited by juansheetisplenty on 06/10/2013.
I would have been more than happy to have paid 1.99euros a month if I had known about it having just paid Iberdrola 150 euros for an emergency repair out of hours
Ref ElainG Said
"Aliton, In 30 years that I have had a property in Spain and taken care of relative’s and friend’s properties, I have never seen those charges."
Well E.... the Bill is in English and it says "Payment Protection Insurance" 2 months at 1.62 a month . Wonder how many other are paying this without knowing because the statement might be in spanish ?
Fomer member revisiting r.
Aliton: Wonder how many other are paying this without knowing because the statement might be in Spanish
OK but as you can see the bill I copied below, in Spanish, wpould seem to be very simple to understand, and for those who, have no Spanish, they can get an on line translation.
This is one such, by 'bing translations' which I have left as it was presented, (without me making any corrections) :-
Product: Rate of last resort
Concept calculations amounts (€)
TURNOVER of 815 per KWH consumption x 0.125509 EURIKWH 102.29 (01)
Power 5.75 KW x 61 x 0,096422 EUR / KW and day 33.82 (02)
Impto. Electricity 136.11 EUR x 1,05113 x 4,864 6.96%
Subtotal 144.27
NORMAL VAT 21% of 30.30
Total bill: €174,57

I`m sorry but no sure what point you are making. ? Clearly not everyone has the same supplier and IBERDROLA supplies our invoice in english. My question was about PPI . Payment Protection Insurance clearly being added without any reason . I am curently taking it up with the Solicitor and the supplier as well.
Fomer member revisiting r.
OK Aliton,
Back to basics.
How do you cancel the PPI ?
This is from the Iberdrola web page (in English) .
Duration of the contract:
The coverage of the Group Policy, with regard to any Insured Party included in the Insurance, shall come into effect on the day on which the effective supply of electricity and/or natural gas contracted with the Policy Holder to which the insurance refers comes into effect.
The Insured Party is authorised to cancel the insurance whenever they deem appropriate, on provision of at least 30 days notice in writing. The Insured Party is hereby informed that, in the event of voluntary cancellation, they will not be able to request the insurance again.
Conditions for termination of the contract:
Membership of the Group Policy shall be terminated as a result of:
- Non-payment of the Premium (art. 15 of the Insurance Contract Act).
- Withholding or inaccuracy of information in the declaration by the Policy Holder (art. 12; art. 89 and art. 90 of the Insurance Contract Act).
- On expiry, with two (2) months notice (only for temporary renewable contracts).