Jobs for the Boys (or Girls as the case may be...)
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What amazes me is that they either don't care what anyone thinks or that it doesn't even cross their minds....either way its incredible that this is still happening nowadays. Even if she/he is the best person for the job, which in these cases is doubtful, it shouldn't be done, due to the impression that it gives to the nation. But nepotism is rife in Spain and always has been.
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
It was common practice in the village where I lived for any incoming mayor to sack all the staff and replace them with all their friends and family. And I'm talking about a couple of years ago and it may even happen the next time there is a change of power. That's not normal practice in the UK. It's on a completely different scale in Spain.
My account of moving to Spain."><img
It is not just rife in Spain take a look at the stats and your village is not an isolated incident
I am not saying Spain is clean just pointing out this happens all over the world on a regular basis at many levels, and many countries (including the UK) are just as bad as Spain. Some countries are far worse and it is not unique to politics or Spain
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
It seems we can't have a discussion about Spain without someone dragging 'the rest of the world' or 'the UK' into the argument and making comparisons. If Tadd1966 wants to post links to show the world how bad the UK is, maybe he should go on a UK forum and post them on there. Or he could just change the record. Nepotism is global but this site isn't 'eye on the world'.
Nepotism is a real problem in Spain and it means that the right people to take a company forward are not given the opportunity to do so because the boss' family are in those positions. I should know, I work with the nephew of the owner of our company and he is neither use nor ornament. His job could easily go to someone with a bit of get up and go but that'll never happen.
This may be a forum for Spain but it should not be a place to knock Spain without at least getting or expecting a response pointing out it is not just spain that is bad, corrupt. Spain seems to have more than a fair share of whinging expats
Maybe our Aussei firends are right when they refer to Brits as whinging poms
It is also not a forum for whinging expats but..............
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
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