The Comments |
I would sit in the wing for that price all year round.
I have just booked a December Flight with RyanRobinAir.
£18.99 Out
£12.24 Back
Name another Airline that can better that
_______________________ JB
I have just put ryanrobinair into google and it
does not bring anything up on the screen
what is the website address please.
The Airline was Ryanair.
Sorry I added the Robin bit as a bit of Humour.
try www.ryanair,com
Not had a price like that for a long time.
I have used Ryanair now for 13 years. Enjoying 1p and free flights all be it a long time ago.
_______________________ JB
I know ryanair website as I use them a lot.
thanks for reply.
Does that include taxes luggage and all other charges?
Does that include taxes luggage and all other charges?
Yes, and hotel, but only a four star, and only 2 hours, not 4 hours with that loverly roundabout lady.....You cant have everything.
I've just booked with Ryanair from Valencia to Malta. €1.69 return inc taxes, luggage, 4* hotel, five days car hire, a meal for two at the Hilton, and because they're getting rid of their unfair charges, I'm not even going to bother printing off my own boarding pass.
Can anyone lend me €1.69 so I don't have to pay the 500€ overdraft charge from the bank?
El alamillo -of course you are delighted with your low fare, but that's at the expense of hard working families who have saved all year for their annual break at the most expensive time of the year, the school summer holiday, when prices can be as much as a £1000 for a family of 4.
El alamillo -of course you are delighted with your low fare, but that's at the expense of hard working families who have saved all year for their annual break at the most expensive time of the year, the school summer holiday, when prices can be as much as a £1000 for a family of 4.
Never heard of the saying "Make hay while the sun shines" then? it's a business, absolutly nothing at all to do with "At the expense" of hard working families at all, it's all to with the slow time of the year, and Ryan Air having to keep the fleet going at all costs, so sell the seats at any price, if they charged high prices in the summer, and shut down the flights over the Autum Winter time, then sacked all the staff would that would be wrong as well?
And just because the seat is dirt cheap Ryan Air hopes you buy the extra's, which if you didn't buy the cheap seat their would be no chance to cash in on the extras.
And whats the betting that El alamillo clicked on the website at just the right time and got these low flights, hour later perhaps doubled.
Anyway at a £1000.00 flight for four in peak times....They must be on benefits....Hard working families are to busy working just to survive one day at a time.
How insulting!
Definitely NOT on benefits and never have been. They struggle with everyday expenses just like other familiesWhen I say hardworking, I am talking of a nurse working in a stressful environment, her husband working long shifts leaving home at 5 am, when those on benefits are safely tucked up in bed;they are non smoking, rarely go out, have few treats; they look forward to their only holiday sometimes helped with the fare by Mum and Dad if the amount saved falls short.
How insulting!
Definitely NOT on benefits and never have been.
They struggle with everyday expenses just like other familiesWhen I say hardworking, I am talking of a nurse working in a stressful environment, her husband working long shifts leaving home at 5 am, when those on benefits are safely tucked up in bed;they are non smoking, rarely go out, have few treats; they look forward to their only holiday sometimes helped with the fare by Mum and Dad if the amount saved falls short.
Please show me where in my post i said "YOUR ON BENEFITS" ...When you do i will send you 4 return flights on Ryan Air to anywhere of your choice.
So now we can all safely sleep at night knowing full well that you wont "EVER" be taking full advantage of any cheap flights on the pretence that you wont have deprived some hard working Nurse and her up at 5am fella of the chance to get cheap tickets........
Well not until the next lot come along anyway.
You said that anyone paying £1000 for flights must be on benefits, and as my daughter does does pay this, your statement must therefore include them!
I no longer fly with Ryanair, I use Monarch and Jet 2. I would only use Ryanair if there was a family emergency and no other airline had a flight.
Another point, when I made a mistake on a Monarch booking, an email to them resulted in a prompt polite reply and they corrected the mistake, no charge. Try that with Ryanair, you won't get an email address, and if you correct something you will be charged.I notice they will now give you 24 hours to correct a mistake-how generous!
Baz1946 - why do you have to be so agressive and nasty? Do you always have to see bad in everything and be rude just for the sake of it. Camposol made a comment that was quite valid and all you did was belittle them. How sad.
Camposol - yes RyanAir will put small mistakes right for free. I mispelt my name in March and only noticed when I printed the ticket out 10 days later. One phone call to a nice lady who then corrected it for free. And they are actually quite helpful regarding passport numbers. I actually needed a different passport number for a return flight and they sorted that out for free too.
And if you book as soon as the flights are published for the summer you can get a reasonable deal. Flights for 4 for next August are under £650 now (Man/ALC)! They would have been cheaper when first published a few weeks ago. And I consider that not unreasonable considering they are flying you almost 1,500 miles.
RyanAir aren't the evil witches that many people like to make them out to be. They are out to make a profit like any business - it's just that Mr O'Leary seems to enjoy putting everyone's backs up! And no, I have no personal interest in RyanAir - I just find them cheap and cheerful and will continue to use them whilst I can do so at a lower cost than any other airline - which 90% of the time they are. Play by their rules - and you won't have a problem. Just a cheap flight.
This message was last edited by pommers on 27/10/2013.
_______________________ Cheers
Baz1946 - why do you have to be so agressive and nasty? Do you always have to see bad in everything and be rude just for the sake of it. Camposol made a comment that was quite valid and all you did was belittle them. How sad.
So Camposol wasn't being nasty or rude or even aggressive to me when they said "How insulting. Definitely not on benefits and never have been" insinuating that i said that about her / him, and like many on this forum if you read the post correctly, which you didn't, you will see i never said that, or even mentioned that she / he was on benefits. And thats your idea of a quite valid comment then is it? and it's me thats sad.
And as for NOW covering her / his words by saying the Daughter has to pay this £1000.00 all that did was to bounce the blame back onto the first poster who happened to be lucky enough to get cheap seats there fore they were to blame for the Daughter having to pay the higher prices, which anyone with half a brain would see thats absolute rubbish......Read the post that Camposol posted in answer to those cheap seats before you even bother to post back.
So many things are said in a light hearted manner, it's a crying shame that many on this forum don't have a life or look on the bright side of life.....OR READ POSTS CORRECTLY.
And for whats it's worth considering that many on benefits ...(£ £65.000 per year) are much much better of not working then all the mentioned hard workers i stick with what i said.
I bought a 12 pack of Amstel the other day from Carrefour at 20% off the normal price. Now I feel guilty because next week someone who may or may not be on benefits will have to pay full price for the same beer. Should I go back and give them some more money, or should I drink it all at once and hope the guilt goes away?
I think I'll drink it and see what happens.
I bought a 12 pack of Amstel the other day from Carrefour at 20% off the normal price. Now I feel guilty because next week someone who may or may not be on benefits will have to pay full price for the same beer. Should I go back and give them some more money, or should I drink it all at once and hope the guilt goes away?
I think I'll drink it and see what happens.
Firstly, someone on benefits would be able to buy a dearer drink and not even look for the 20% discount.
Secondly, yes you should feel guilty over this blatant abuse of being "In the right place at the right time"
Thirdly, yes go back and refund the money otherwise someone's relative might go in and have to pay the higher price, and even though you did it i will get the blame......And yet more thumbs down.
Fourthly, what ever you do DON'T drink them, you are lighthearted enough already.
I don't..hic..know who..hic...should even tell me what to do...hic...with my beer money...hic Who said that!?! What? Yeah, I'll take the empty cans back later.
Well I like all your words in response to my post. I work very hard in the UK so does my wife. She, perhaps harder than me.. In the last 12 years of visiting the Murcia area. I have managed 6/7 trips out to my house each year on my own and with family. I will say I have used BMI Baby when they were operating, Easy Jet when they used NEMA, Iberia which only crash when I use them. Jet 2 always for my summer flight because they bring there flights out a year in advance. More baggage allowance and more leg room and always offer a discount. (Mine booked for July 14 in June 13) Not forgetting my airline of choice for the rest of the year RYANAIR. Unfortunately No more flights into Murcia until March 2014.
So my car has been transferred to Alicante for the winter. Only adds 50 min to my journey. (don’t mind that )
Just like to say Never been on benefits would not know how to claim them. Unlike some that still screw the uk system to enjoy life in the sun.
Just pure had work. I hear what you say BAZ and respect your feelings.
Always remember to keep the Sun in Ya heart!!
Ps. Forgot to say that the total cost of the booking was £54. I used to spend that on a friday night out with the lads.
This message was last edited by El alamillo on 29/10/2013.
_______________________ JB
In the last 12 years of visiting the Murcia area. I have managed 6/7 trips out to my house each year on my own and with family
Lucky you to have so many holidays.
I think it's the crowing about being able to afford so many flights, at cheap prices, that touches a nerve with people, who also work very hard, but owing to the school year, have no choice about when to holiday with their children, and have to pay very high prices for their only holiday. It just has a whiff of smugness about it!
I understand about business, supply and demand and making hay while the sun shines, and all that, but airlines could come up with a fairer system for families , even if it did mean that the El amillos had to pay a bit more.