Over the last couple of years Endesa have been bringing mains gas into Almoradi. The take-up hasn’t been particularly large, but following a visit from their representative, and working out the cost relative to bottled gas, we decided to go ahead and have it installed. The installation was carried out swiftly and efficiently along with all of the other customers on this particular branch of the main by Jesfran Services on behalf of Endessa and I was presently surprised to be given a factura for ‘Installation to two points – 0 euros’!
On Friday last I received my first bill from Endessa for no gas + standing charge + ‘Dechos cotratac distribuidora’ + IVA, totalling 231.82 euros!
I managed to speak to an English-speaking operative at Endesa who informed me that this is the charge for ‘setting up a new contract’ and ‘you will never get this charge again’ – too bl**dy right I won’t!!! Nearly 232 euros for setting up a new contract is nothing short of gross extortion and sheer daylight robbery in my book!
My gripe is that this cost was NEVER mentioned at any stage of the meetings or discussions with Endesa, and had it been so, we would most definitely NOT have had mains gas installed as it makes it not cost-effective – we only have a gas boiler and hob and the convenience aspect was what interested us most,
Is anyone thinking of having mains gas, or has anyone come across this before? I could cancel the contract on the grounds that I have been misadvised by them by not being given full information, but I don’t really want to do this now, I am in two minds whether to tell the bank not to make the payment and see what happens!
Perhaps Jesfran should have said ‘we won’t charge you, but Endesa will’!