More nonsense about abortion

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16 Oct 2013 2:06 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

The latest news:

A MEMBER of Parliament has called for women considering an abortion to be 'forced' to see their first scan photograph of the foetus before being allowed to go ahead.

Leader of the Unión del Pueblo Navarro, Carlos Salvador, from the northern region of Navarra, says instead of bringing in the highly-restrictive proposed abortion reform which will effectively make it impossible to terminate a pregnancy unless the mother's or baby's life or health are at serious risk, the government should keep the existing legislation – passed in 2010 – in force, but provide pregnant women with a sealed envelope containing details of support networks, what an abortion involves, and a photo of the first scan.

Salvador says this will 'make them think about the foetus as a living being', not as a 'non-human object which can be made to appear or disappear by magic'.

And  I say, when will men stop trying to control women's bodies? Why don't they butt out, since they will never be in this position themselves? A woman or girl doesn't need to have the doctor sending them on some guilt trip. They didn't get pregnant on their own - but they're treated like criminals. 

Spain is just showing itself to be a backward country, going further and further back into the Middle Ages without their outdated nonsense. They need to get on with dealing with their economic crisis and getting the money back off the criminals who have stolen the wealth of the country and stop their distraction politics. We can all see through it.


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16 Oct 2013 2:33 PM by elaineG Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message

In 2012 there were 189,000 abortions in England and Wales.  That is 518 each day.  There are around 1,900 deaths a year, 5 per day, on the road.  I find it surprising that whilst most people are appalled by the number of road deaths, so many shout so loudly in favour of abortion on demand (which what we have in UK).


Extract from a Daily Telegraph.

Record high number of abortions which are 'repeats'

By Laura Donnelly, Health Correspondent,  12 Jul 2013

The statistics for last year disclosed that dozens of women had undergone at least nine terminations.

The figures show that a record 37 per cent of all abortions in England and Wales (70,000) last year were repeat procedures.


This message was last edited by elaineG on 16/10/2013.

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16 Oct 2013 3:07 PM by txakoli Star rating. 18 posts Send private message

And many of those in favour of abortion will not want to see badgers culled. And often favouring handing out condoms to youngsters barely out of nappies. 

I'm afraid we've lost all sense of morality, so the nation gets what it preaches;  highest teenage pregnancies in Europe, at least 25% marriages ending in divorce, multiple partners, etc.  Empires & civilisations usually crumble from within.

But I'm an optimist still.

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16 Oct 2013 5:59 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

I think I can comment on this allthough I'm male.

We all have to take resposibility for our actions, we cannot decide that the night out we had can be destroyed.

When we were young and perhaps foolish letting our hormones run away with our reasoning we never  had to think about getting rid of the thing as some do now. It's only a thing to them.

 My wife and I did go through the foolish stage and she got pregnant. The only thing we thought  was to get married. We are now coming up to our golden and are the proud grand parents to three boys and one girl havind had two sons and a daughter.

 To destroy a life for no medical reason is at least selfish and akin to murder

 To say that only the female  should deside is again very selfish

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16 Oct 2013 6:09 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

The only reason this outrageously backward legislation is being proposed is to draw attention away from the real issues in Spain; just as the recent fuss over Gibraltar was whipped up in the same way. Join in the backing for this retrogressive legislation and you're playing right into the hands of the criminals in Spain.

In addition, it is my personal view that it's a damn cheek for people who will never and have never personally faced these dilemmas (that rules out men for a start)  to pass laws that will lead to terrible distress for women and girls and a return to backstreet abortions. They're looking at the kind of model that's in Ireland - young girls who've been raped will be forced to go ahead with 9-month labours. It's abhorrent.

For those who profess to be so concerned with life, put your efforts towards supporting starving and ill children throughout the world. Once you've tackled that problem you can start worrying about foetuses.


This message was last edited by eggcup on 16/10/2013.


My account of moving to Spain."><img


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16 Oct 2013 6:57 PM by elaineG Star rating in Spain . 409 posts Send private message

For those who profess to be so concerned with life, put your efforts towards supporting starving and ill children throughout the world

Well if people who are so in favour of abortion,  'supported'  the women in those countries to 'exercise their rights'  to have abortions, then the problem of starving children would be eliminated.  And whilst they are at destroying life, perhaps they could do away with the starving children, albeit at a later age than the aborted unborn children.

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16 Oct 2013 7:38 PM by txakoli Star rating. 18 posts Send private message

"For those who profess to be so concerned with life, put your efforts towards supporting starving and ill children throughout the world. Once you've tackled that problem you can start worrying about foetuses".

Problem is life isn't a series of tick boxes. Starving children is about too little food in one area & too much in another.   The poor are disadvantaged through trade that disadvantages poorer countries. So our problem is about obesity & losing weight;  theirs is about gaining weight.

Having too many children is about education, especially for women, who are so often 2nd class in a male dominated world. Educate women & they'll do the rest.

And men can never be dismissed from the equation, because they are often/usually the cause of rape. Takes two.

I believe in Britain we have failed our young people into thinking "sex is fine/natural/healthy. If she gets pregnant, there's always the morning-after-pill. So go ahead, no responsibility.  Heck, it's only a clump of cells".

What sort of world is that to teach our future generations?  


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16 Oct 2013 7:43 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

It is clearly obvious that men and unfortunately some women have no idea what effect it has on the majority of women who are in a situation where abortion is the only option.

These unfortunate ladies are scarred for life with memories of " what might have been" particularly if the procedure is done later than 12 weeks.......something I definitely do not agree with but then it was men that increased it to 24 weeks..... especially as there is a "morning after" pill readily available now.

Fortunately was never in that situation but know never a day would pass without feelings of guilt.

Would any man be affected this usual they only want to tell women what to do..and how and when to do it.

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16 Oct 2013 8:18 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

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Some of you females must be living with some awfull blokes

perhaps you should be more particular who you pick up

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16 Oct 2013 8:29 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

I was writing about people, 99% men, who make the laws. Not husbands, boyfriends or fathers.
Doh !!!!!

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16 Oct 2013 8:36 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

So there diferent species of men now,  boy friend ,husbands and fathers do not make the laws doh

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16 Oct 2013 8:43 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

You know exactly what I mean...those who govern countries and make laws that all are supposed to abide by.
Agree some women do live with some awful blokes who would have been better aborted.

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16 Oct 2013 8:53 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

Don't get me wrong on this, while I have every sympathy with the unfortunate females who are abused and raped, they need all the help there is and more. The female that think men are unfeeling and pigs are the ones most likely to take abortion very lightly. they are the ones who bring humanity to it's lowest leval. To bring in the starving hoards into this argument is getting pretty low too

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16 Oct 2013 9:30 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Well haydngi, I cannot read in any of this thread where men are accused of being unfeeling and pigs.

Certainly doesn't apply to any of the men in my life but defy any of them to understand the stress and possible life long mental scars many women go through even just contemplating an abortion even when caused by rape.

Although I do not agree with abortion after 12 weeks I do have a problem when law makers come out with statements telling women what they should do.

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16 Oct 2013 11:33 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

With reference to this comment:

And men can never be dismissed from the equation, because they are often/usually the cause of rape. Takes two.

What a bizarre argument. Because men rape they should have a say in the abortion debate... So is this saying that the rapist, after exerting his despicable control over a woman or girl should then have a right to decide what she does with her body afterwards too, and maybe has the right to tell her she should have the baby? I've heard it all now. If anyone can place any other interpretation on this comment, please do, because I'm losing the will to live, having to read such offensive comments..


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17 Oct 2013 8:55 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Just before readers are fooled into thinking otherwise, rape victims represent about 1% of abortions in UK, that’s around 1,900 p.a.  5 per day of the just over 500 abortions every day, in just England and Wales. 

Before the UK Abortions Law was passed in 1967 doctors regularly performed ‘illegal’ abortions in rape cases, protected by a court finding in 1938 which acquitted a doctor convicted of aborting a 14 year old girl who had been rapedby five soldiers.   (the Bourne Judgement).

When the Abortion law was passed in 1967, partly to protect doctors in the above situation,  it was anticipated that a couple of thousand abortions would be performed each year in UK.  It was not envisaged that it would become an 'alternative to contraception' by irresponsible men and women.





Labour MP David Steel sponsors an Abortion Law Reform Bill, which becomes the Abortion Act. The Act decriminalises abortion in Britain on certain grounds.

Originally, abortion was entirely illegal, but was changed to make it legal a when a woman was in danger of dying.  However, in 1938, Dr. Alex Bourne deliberately challenged the law to clarify what constituted legal practice in relation to abortions. He performed an abortion on a 14 year old rape victim, though her life was not in danger. The doctor won and the ‘Bourne Judgement’ opened the way for other doctors to interpret the law more flexibly.

This message was last edited by johnzx on 17/10/2013.

This message was last edited by johnzx on 17/10/2013.

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17 Oct 2013 9:08 AM by M11Block Star rating. 179 posts Send private message

Abortion is being used as another form of contraception. Some women have had four, five and even more abortions. The real VICTIMS are the unborn children.

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17 Oct 2013 12:56 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

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Respect to every human person´s opinion and situation and support to women at difficult pregnancies

My two-cents


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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17 Oct 2013 5:21 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

It must only be men that vote the lawmakers in

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