The Comments |
Hi All
I have to say I really enjoy the forum. There are so many people that helped me along the way especially through what was at times a stressful purchase. So thanks everyone. .
However there is just one thing I feel that I want to say. There are, at times random posters that drift in and out and post insults just for the hell of it which I really do not understand the logic. There have been some who seem to think the forum is some sort of closed club etc............. I don't believe this for one minute and the majority of people who join in are warmly welcomed. There are members that work very hard to try their best to answer a lot of questions and take time out to post a lot of invaluable information. I asked for help on furniture and the response was great.
A very special...............................
To Morerosado, not only has she answered on the forum but sent numerous web sites, shops and maps to me privately. The only thing that she failed to do was actually drive me there LOL. I didn't get any pm's from the negative posters. So please can we get on and have a nice happy forum a it was without the odd sarcastic insults thrown in. It really is not needed. I don't usually comment on the goings on and just ignore it but credit where it's due. So again Morerosado a great big thank you.
This message was last edited by Candyfloss on 8/2/2007.
This message was last edited by Candyfloss on 8/2/2007.This message was last edited by Candyfloss on 8/2/2007.

Thought you said I drove you around the bend ! 
You are right though, seriously, about some members posting just to cause upset. Totally unacceptable in my view, too.
i agree, anyone just drifting in to post insults are a pain in the butt, having said that, this forum does somtimes give the impession of being a closed club and it's tempting to react to that. If people dissagree with views held by some of the regular contributors on this forum they are sometimes either ignored or criticised for their view, and if you try and join in a conversation, general chit chat/films etc, the replys are often aimed at the regular contributors only, this is quite hurtful. I'm not getting paranoid!!!, i join in with other main Spanish forums, and they don't come over quite so clicky, and i feel make posters who have had a bad time and are fighting the system feel more welcome and not made to feel like 'doom and gloom' merchants.
So i would also like to say a big WELL DONE, to those who are making many useful contributions, answering questions and posting valuble information. The people on this and the other main site have been a great help to my wife and i, in our ongoing 5 year struggle to get our deposit back, but the closed club thing does need keeping an eye on i feel.
Hi all,
Just wanted to say that i have been with the forum only a matter of weeks and float in and out depending on work commitments, and i have generally been made to feel very welcome. I have had some serious questions which have been answered quickly and fully by a variety of members, both by posting here and many have taken the time to PM me to give me more information. This has been greatly appreciated. I also try to return the favour for other members.
I have also taken part in some of the more "lighted hearted" aspects, which i have also been very grateful for - all work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy - and i have never been made to feel like an outsider, even though, as i said, I am very new to the group.
I have also sometimes felt the need to say something in response to the occasional member who has posted petty, rude, insulting or downright nasty posts (they know who they are) - I have never been one who could stand by idly and watch while others are denigrated, when their only "crime" is to try to be "too" helpful or enjoy themself too much!
There are a couple of trite but apt sayings that i would like to finish with - for myself and for others - "live and let live" and "above all do no harm". The are a bit overused and pedestrian now, but no less relevant.
Or for Spock fans "live long and prosper"!

Live long and prosper AuntieEm..................have you seen the state of our care homes ??
Prosper, yes is good. We're lucky being able to spend time in the beautiful country of Spain and are only too happy to help if and where we can.
Hola Everybody. What I would like to know is................who is in this 'closed club'? In several posts I have read the words ' you / they know who you / they are'.......................but what if they don't?????
As far as I know, I do not belong to any 'club', closed or otherwise................but I did learn how to use the photobucket and I have responded to some funny ( ha-ha ) posts and to some funny peculiar posts! I have tried to help where I can and responded when I felt a post was being thinly disguised as an advert. I have apologised to some forum members and I know I must have upset others..............................does this mean I am in a club?
I am my own person and always will be. my motto 
I am proud to belong to EOS forum and thank everyone for their help and kindness.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
hi many stars,
i have a cunning plan to personally evade all care homes .... i cant share it though ... its a secret! In the meantime i will continue to work to try to give people who need care real options and choices. One day we will get there.
In the meantime "stay healthy"


I tend these days to ignore those who take a pop (for no valid reason) at me or anyone I know & have learnt to care for in EOS, so as to hopefully prevent further similar remarks from them. It's not always possible to sit & take it so I sometimes can give as good as I get. However, I don't post on any forum to be insulted. I spend hours welcoming new members, searching endlessly for info to help any members & often without them posting again. Maybe they lurk. It does make me wonder at times what certain members want of others. Anyone's welcome to join in but I won't tolerate nasty comments towards myself & those I've made friends with. I've found many posts directed at me personally to be exceptionally insulting. I was brought up better than to start a fight with anyone yet it seems to be the norm on many forums. Many of us have now met up with those we've gelled with & certainly my husband & I have done this & plan to meet more soon. I try & get on with anyone. As Em says "live and let live" and "above all do no harm".
Nice one Morerosado, to the point as usual !! ( does this post make a 'club' cos I agree with you and AuntieEm??)

' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Hola Karen & EM (my personal mates) & any others looking in.
I wanna be in the bucket club !!!!
Except I have to go find some bucket pictures or i will get thrown out! Damn! Letting the side down again!

OK not exactly relevant ... but I like it!

Hi morerosado, karensun, etc
why the talk of insults, having a pop etc?. I've not been personal and Iv'e pointed out something some of us feel, and it's met with critism and unpleasent remarks?????
Where have any of us mentioned you've popped at us or insulted us ? We only passed comment just as you did.
Going to the dentist now, cyas all later mebbee.
Hi all
oh, apologies if i got it wrong that time, i thought it was aimed at me in answer to my earlier post. I'm having a bad day, no harm meant!
Hi Goodstich
i have responded in this thread, but was not making any reference to your post when mentioning insults, I was making the point that there have been such posts and i have felt the need to respond to them, just giving my point of view and also reiterating what candyfloss said earlier at the start of this post.
As i have always said everyone should feel free to express their opinion and hopefully we will all do that in a constructive way .... we wont all agree ... who does .... but we can respect each other's opinions. But certainly there was no criticism of you personally intented, only those types who Candyfloss mentioned in her original post.
Hope this makes clear what i have been trying to say and certainly without any destructive "criticism or unpleasant remarks".

and can i just say as i am trying (not very successfully) to multitask - i started my last post before your reply Goodstich and if i had seen that reply i would not have posted ..... nuff said!
"live long and prosper"

Hi Em
"live long and prosper"............can i add, as long as you don't use Aifos!!!!
all the best.
how are things going for you goodstich?

thanks for asking, not good, very very frustrating, the developers and agents we are up against wont even answer the courts to our claim for breach of contract? On the positive side, the courts have granted the embargo we applied for against one of the developers properties. In other words, if they go belly up but we win our case, we have an asset to sell/rent/auction as an alternative form of payment. So we just dont know when we will see an end. Sooner or later i assume the developers/agents will have to defend our claim against them?, it's a bit like living with the 'pause' button on since june 2002!
......Ho Hum!