¿Quien es Karensun?

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Soy... una mujer

Vivo en... Orihuela Costa

Me gusta... people..wine..food..wine..cake baking and decorating..wine..swimming..wine..sun..wine..cats more wine!

Trabajo de... supposedly retired!

Mi firma en el foro es...

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

Karensun's latest forum comments

07 Jan 2013 2:32 PM:

You should get permission from your immediate neighbours then persent to President who will take it to AGM agenda for approval.

The permission from Town hall is needed obviously but does not overrule the Community decision.

To change the facade is not usually agreed as your statutes will probably say the exteriors must remain the same (if the exterior walls are structural and therefore part of the Community ) .

Thread: Community Approval for alterations to exterior of apartments

20 Nov 2012 1:31 PM:

I am driving to Cornwall on Monday...............where is your B&B? will need somewhere to stay for 3 nights 2 adults and a baby so need cot.

Thread: Buying UK products in Spain

08 Nov 2012 9:46 AM:

I sooooo agree with John and tTamara!!

I love the fact that some shops close and I love the fact that they are often closed on Sundays.

Sometimes I wonder how our Mums managed with 9 to 6 opening, no Sunday opening and half day Thursday AND a full time job..........but they did with apparent ease.


Thread: large chains still closing for lunch!

31 Oct 2012 10:59 PM:

Hi Arthurandshawn..............I wish you the best of luck......................cupcakes are rife in the area you mention! I supply several shops and there are other shops who sell them.

Competition is always good but  be very aware of your area and your clientele!

Have a good look around before you decide where to settle!

love xxx

Thread: Cupcakes anyone?! - Canadians in need of need love

22 Sep 2012 11:35 PM:

acer.......................I have not belittled Monarch.

Ryanair is not mine................' than your Irish twerps'......................so please control your postings.


Thread: let's slate Monarch too!


Karensun' blogs

Living with the Presidente.
"A tongue in cheek account of living with the Presidente, OR how to survive and extended 'family' of 183."
Last Updated: 5/7/2012 6:08:43 PM
Lifetime Views: 199972

Karensun's rentals

Karensun's properties for sale

Spain insurance services

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