Monday, May 7, 2012
It's over and done with............El Presidente is now ex El Presidente...............
Just got to get the AGM minutes signed, translated and distributed and the bank signaturies sorted then it's over and out!!
You may hear moi cheering !
Published at 8:08 PM Comments (0)
Leaving present............
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
You would NOT believe it.....................13 days to go....................and what happens??
Just to fill you in we have moved to a villa just across the road from the apartments. We now have our own pool so that will eliminate a lot of stress!!
Anyway early this morning the door bell rang. El Presidente ( mornings are not his thing!! ) rolled out of bed, struggled to find his dressing gown and plodded to the door.......................
This is the conversation I heard...................
"It's broken"
" What is "
" The door"
" I did it"
"Oh "...................................................
The long and short of it was ( as told by El Presidente over a cuppa ).................Man in toot trolley, you know, one of those little scooters, could not open the main door with his key so he gave it a little mechanical shove....................and he shoved the left hand panel right off the door! ! ! ! !
He said, apparently , we can claim it from the insurance.........................OK, El Presidente can send him the bill for the 150€ excess as a leaving present!!
Published at 12:05 PM Comments (0)
The time has come.....................
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
My days of Living with the Presidente are nearly over!
No.........................I have NOT left El Presidente....................what we have done is sold our apartment so at our next AGM ( two weeks today ) that's it FINITO...........end off.....bye bye....toodle pip!!
So this is My last post in this section...........but watch out for Memoires of Living with the Presidente........coming soon!!
Published at 1:37 AM Comments (3)
Fings ain't wot they used to be...........................
Thursday, June 9, 2011
No blog from me for ages and ages...........................................but I am going to give it another go pretty soon.
Sooooooooooooo many things have happened, soooooooooo many things you wouldn't really want to know but some very amusing!!
Watch this space...............just until I get my writing head on!!!! 
Published at 6:51 PM Comments (2)
And the gas man cometh...or the drain pipe man.......
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The local council have filled in the holes they dug to place the drain pipes in the road, much to El Presidente's amusement as they left no way for the rain to actually get into the pipe ! ( didn't I say that earlier ?, you know....mere woman and all that!! )
NOW they are digging it all up again but we are unsure why. Still in the great world plan El Presidente is sure someone, somewhere will know why !
Poor old El Presidente ended up in hospital last Friday in the early hours of the morning. I won't go into details here except to say he is home now with half a Farmacy to take and the condition will either right itself ( doubtful ) or he will have to live with it and the tablets! Small price, Moi thinks.
He doesn't have to do anything different except have a low salt diet........I don't use salt in cooking anyway ! but he doesn't have any other restrictions. He looks quite well........Moi, on the other hand is cream crackered !!
Published at 7:56 PM Comments (2)
It came off in my hand..............................
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
So far this week El Presidente has had to contend with some heavy handed person breaking the lock on the door into the garage lift space AND some kind person decimating the main door and leaving the bits on the floor !!
WHY??? El Presidente and Moi cannot understand all this ! Niether can we understand why the globe lights on the periferal road were shot at with an air gun during the summer!! And yes, of course they will have to be replaced, and yes, of course NO ONE knows who dun it!!
On a lighter note.................the sun is shining!!!
Published at 2:47 PM Comments (2)
Did the earth move for you??????? .........................
Saturday, November 13, 2010
GUESS WHAT??????????????????????
The town hall have started digging up the road outside the apartments to put in DRAINS for the rainwater !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( for those of you that don't know, El Presidente has had an on going struggle with the rain water flooding our garages )
They did say nearly two years ago that they would do this so El Presidente is overjoyed.............a true case of manana tho..........just a bit late!
El Presidente is just a bit puzzled as to how the rain water is going to get into those little pipes that have been buried about four feet underground? He thinks what will happen is that ever so often there will be a grid in the road and the rainwater will fall down there and into the pipes and go ...............................where??.................. Don't know , but he is sure there is some BIG plan which we are not party to yet.
Now I know I am a mere woman and I know I am blonde BUT what I cannot see is how, as the rush of water ploughs down the road..................just how will it fall down the grids and into the pipes. You see, I'm just a bit worried that the force of the water will propell itself over the grid as apposed to into the grid. BUT what do I know ? least El Presidente is pleased that the work has started so I won't mention my worries to him !!
BUT I will be awfully pleased when the dust stopes and when the ground beneath my feet stops's really been a case of 'does the earth move for you' recently !!!!!
Published at 11:59 PM Comments (1)
Wet wet wet................
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
El Presidente and Moi and El Presidente's brother have returned from wet UK to wet Spain.
It is El Presidente's brother's 1st visit to us here ( we will call him 'M' from here-on! )
Yesterday we all went on a trip to Xatavia ( or something like that !! ) and guess what??????????'It rained ! ! !
Also the people who organised the trip had obviously failed to recognise a 'red' day and everything was closed. We couldn't visit the museum because it was closing within half an hour and the train which was not a train but a pink and white BUS, was to leave half an hour after its designated time which meant we would miss the coach home!! AND it poured down and poured down.
El Presidente was fed up, Moi was fed up and M was fed up and we were all WET, WET, WET. Although I did manage to buy 6 stunning cakes for 5.70€ which I kept dry..................not bad, 300 Kilometres and all day to purchase 6 blooming cakes !
The gardener has identified another dead palm which El Presidente will have to organise the removal of. We cannot have new ones, similar or different, planted for 6 months or so because the soil needs time to recover and there is nothing you can add to shorten this procedure.
Published at 2:40 PM Comments (1)
Handy with a saw?????????????'
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Somebody was ! !
El Presidente was called to look at the railings on the front of the building recently, so accompanied by Moi, we trotted off to do an inspection.
Apparently a bicycle had been chained to the railings ( against Comm Rules ! ) and some 'Community' minded person ( NOT ) decided to remove the bike. Of course, they did not unlock the chain..................NO..............they sawed through the railings to relieve the owner of his/her bike ! !
To get the chain off the rail they had to use brute force to part the railings and this seared all the struts which held the railing in the ground.
The detective set I'm going to buy El Presidente to find the 'paper nicker' will have to be utilised to find the railing sawer AND the gorilla who keeps breaking the main doors ! !
Published at 10:09 PM Comments (1)
Infected Palms.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Sad day today cos El Presidente has had to have 5 of our glorious palms dug out.
And we cannot replace them for about 6 months to give the ground time to recover.
Published at 10:21 PM Comments (3)
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