Knitting with wire......................
Sunday, August 16, 2009 @ 1:00 PM
For those of you who don't know...................I DON'T do knitting, but last Sunday afternoon that is just what I was doing, BUT with wire, not wool !!
'Someone' desperate to get into the pool in the middle of the night had decided to make thier own entrance via the wire fence. Surely they must have pre decided this action because they had made the hole with wire cutters!! So no spur of the moment thing then !!
This was done right outside an occupied apartment.
So that is why El Presidente and Moi found ourselves out in the blazing sun ( when we should have been doing the Sunday Mail crossword ! ) with a lenght of nice green wire and a puzzle to repair !! El Presidente doesn't do knitting either so I had a go at interweaving the strands of wire to patch up the hole. Not a bad result, even though I say it myself and it will last until the 'silly season' is over and the ex hole can be repaired properly ( or someone does it again !!
) So we are hoping that NOTHING disturbs this week's crossword !!