Well, it's finally happened !!

Last Monday, when we had all the rain, our garages ( some of you will know the saga of our garages ! ) did NOT flood from down the ramp, thanks to the wall built directly across the exit by us. HOWEVER, the rain water came in via the air hole thingys which are about a foot from the floor at the front of the building, but only about two inches from the floor at the rear ! These 'air blocks are supposed to be for ventilation, not water, but hey ho !!
Those of you who are aware of our garage saga will possibly remember the WALL ( belonging to the builder opposite ) which was knocked down, then built up only to be knocked down again on instruction from the Town Hall.
If anyone had wanted anything from our Town Hall about 20 past 1 on Monday, they would have been wasting thier time because most of the occupants of the Town Hall were outside our building in the rain !!
El Presidente had been given the mobile number of the Mayor of Orihuela's Concierge and asked to ring direct if we had any concerns during the next flood.
Well, we had concerns !! Once more the road was a river with virtually floating cars and without swimming we couldn't get out of the building AND the garage was being affected via the back up of water from our road ( but not too badly ).
BUT Bless 'em, they arrived in force AND in the rain and they bulldozed the wall down !! What a result !!
Apparently they are goint to flatten the pavement in front of the wall too.......manyana...........!! 
El Presidente is well chuffed with the result.....even though it's taken several years to achieve.................well, this is Spain !!
And I never did get El Presidente to buy me a pair of flowery wellies to wear in the rain !!