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18 Jan 2014 3:50 PM by buttons Star rating in Nerja. 15 posts Send private message

My Mother (87) is temporarily registered on the Data Base of Users of the health system in Andalucia. Unfortunately she had an accident and has had to stay longer than planned. As a result the doctor has had to prescribe some tablets she ran out of, we were charged 144 euros and I was told at the time I could reclaim this money. The pharmacy is now saying I will Nbody p spaneed to get another prescription (why) and that the original is out of time! The prescription was dated 17th December and I have made repeated visits to the pharmacy only to be told to "come back next week".
I am not sure if my Mother should have been charged the full amount in the first place. Can anyone tell me what the correct procedure is in Andalucia.

body p span

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18 Jan 2014 4:53 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1221 posts Send private message

You say "temporarily" registered. Only those permanently living in Spain and having their health care transferred from UK can get reduced cost prescriptions. If she has transferred using the S1 form then she shouldn't be charged more than 8 euros per month (depending on income). If the S1 form is being processed, she can claim the difference back in Spain once the permanent health card is issued. If she hasn't gone through the S1 procedure then the prescription costs can be claimed back from the NHS in UK so make sure she keeps a copy of the prescription and the receipt.

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19 Jan 2014 2:08 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

I am paying 15-20 euros a month,when I should have only have been paying a maximum of 8. The process of reclaiming overpayment is so burdensome, people are put off, which, I imagine is what they want.Spanish pensioners apparently have the excess paid straight back into their bank account.
I did hear recently that when patients are prescribed medication in hospital to take home, they will have to pay for it

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19 Jan 2014 3:01 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1221 posts Send private message

In Andalusia and the Valencia Community (and I'm sure others) the pharmacists are linked with your social security number. When the healthcard is scanned, the payment details are automatically read.Once you've reached the cap, based on the income declared on your tax return, there are no more charges. No need to claim anything back. I pay 10% of the prescription cost which stops at 8 euro. Hubby pays 40% of the cost as he is classed as my beneficiary but not yet a pensionista.
Is camposol in the Murcia region? Maybe they haven't linked the pharmacies up yet or the one you use isn't linked.

If you haven't made an annual resident tax declaration in Spain, there will be no indication on the prescription of how much you pay. Instead blanket charges of 40% for non-pensioners and 10% for pensioners with healthcards. No income information means no cap on the charges. (That last paragraph from a solicitors website).

Regarding hospital patients, medication issued whilst an in patient remains free. Charges are now being made for out patients if the medication is not available at a pharmacy. These charges are subject to the same 10% and cap depending on status.

If you are listed as a beneficiary of a pensioner, make sure you contact the International Pensions Centre in UK to change your status when you reach pensionable age to avoid the 40% charges.

Can't see where the "Spanish pensioners have the excess paid straight back into their bank account" comes from as the rules apply to every EU citizen registered correctly in Spain.

Finally, a couple across the road from me with temporary healthcards had to pay over 200 euro for medicines when they were delayed for a couple of weeks when the Icelandic volcano went off. They claimed the full amount back from the NHS when they got back to UK.

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19 Jan 2014 3:06 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Where do pensioners find their social security number-is it on the Medical card?

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19 Jan 2014 4:29 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1221 posts Send private message

Yes, it's printed on the back. Well, it is on the SIP cards in CV.

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19 Jan 2014 4:33 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Therefore I can't understand why pharmacies in murcia can't do the Same, as in other regions

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