money taken from my bank.

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21 Jan 2014 11:14 AM by formentera costa Star rating. 368 posts Send private message

today i have had an amount taken from my bank which

says embargo. then embargo suma agencia tributaria.

I know for a fact this is not mine as i sold my apartment

in december 2012 and i paid my suma in april 2012 for

that year

i have been to the bank and they have given me a reference number and told

me to go to the hacienda.

is this correct as surely i would need to go to a suma office.

if so does anyone know the address of the hacienda office nearest to

san javier in murcia province.thanks




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21 Jan 2014 1:00 PM by muddyleopard Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

21 Jan 2014 2:01 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message


Try this website. Maybe other Forum Members in the area can help you as well.

Good Luck






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21 Jan 2014 4:06 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I just Googled "hacienda office nearest to san javier in murcia province"


I got a lot of results, but not knowing the area I cannot say which is nearest for you, but I am sure if you take a look, you will know.

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21 Jan 2014 6:01 PM by andyintorre Star rating in Costa Blanca. 104 posts Send private message

How can you of paid your suma for 2012 in April 2012, the bills are sent out in September 2012 for that year.

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21 Jan 2014 6:09 PM by formentera costa Star rating. 368 posts Send private message

to andyintorre.

i do not have to explain myself but i will.

in the community where i had my apartment i got

a suma bill for rubbish collection in march which had to be paid

in april for the whole year, then another bill in september for the

equivalent of english poll tax which had to be paid by october for

the whole year.

so do not comment on something you have no knowledge of.



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21 Jan 2014 6:23 PM by andyintorre Star rating in Costa Blanca. 104 posts Send private message

formentera costa

With an attitude like yours, I would not expect much help from anyone on here. Instead of asking a question on here you probably would be better searching in Google where your nearest office is, as John has done for you, and going there to see why you have had monies taken. Its not difficult!

PS. Don't bother replying, use your energy to sort the problem rather than looking for a confrontation here. Good Luck!

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21 Jan 2014 8:01 PM by formentera costa Star rating. 368 posts Send private message

i was not looking for a confrontation, you were practically inferring that I was lying, you are so rude. i will request help on here as when i need it.also do not tell me what to do as i did try google and could not find anything hence my request on here for help and advice



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21 Jan 2014 8:03 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 posts Send private message


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21 Jan 2014 8:51 PM by andyintorre Star rating in Costa Blanca. 104 posts Send private message

There is an office very close to the Ayuntamiento, in San Javier, that handles all questions regarding IBI, tax, etc.

If you stand facing the Correos at the edge of the town square, it is a few doors along to your right.

Failing that, in the Ayuntamiento, to the left of the main entrance there is a tourist information office who will be only to glad to direct you to another office that could help you.

Do you know where the Ayuntamiento is, or do you need someone to find the address for you?

The only inference I made was that you had confused the payments you had made, which you explained in your post, of course you can ask for help whereever and when ever you wish, but then expect questions regarding your questions and don't take offence when they are asked. Finally I am not being rude, but I find it very sad that you think such a thing when in fact you could of answered my post in a more positive manner yourself without the aggresion. Good luck trying to sort out with the tax office why they have taken payment for a bill you have probably forgotten or even never had, bearing in mind the postal sytem.



This message was last edited by andyintorre on 21/01/2014.

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21 Jan 2014 9:08 PM by andyintorre Star rating in Costa Blanca. 104 posts Send private message

If you find you need to go to the nearest office of the Agencia Tributaria otherwise known as Hacienda your closest office is at,

Calle Campos, 2.

30201 Cartagena

Phone: 968 33 33 00

Fax: 968 33 33 33

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22 Jan 2014 11:58 AM by formentera costa Star rating. 368 posts Send private message

thank you everyone for your replies.

the problem being my apartment that i sold is in alicante 

province and i now live in murcia province.

also i do not drive so have e-mailed my solicitor who is

going to sort it out for me as he said i certainly do not

owe anything to suma.

thanks again for all repleis.



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