Being a bank owned property has no bearing on the completion process when it comes to the utility connectons as your lawyer shiuld be the person that checks and verifies that all of the necessary paperwork is there, prior to completion
Also if te property has previously been occupied to check that any outsanding utility bills have been settled by the bank, prior to completion which also include community charges, if you complete withour checking this you will be responsible for any debts on the property
On the property the documents normally required by MOST utility providers are the Certificate of Habitation, copies of the various technical bolletins for the original installation and proof that you now own the property, again something a lawyer would normally do, not a Gestoria
You will always have to pay the utility supplers a connection fee for the meter and services installation and this price varies by area but €600 is typical for water and electricty connectioons and is normally billed by the suppliers on your first bill
If the lawyer is not willing to do these checks, if the banks cannot supply the documents, then you should refuse to complete untill they do and you may find suddenly te banks change their attitude
With the correct paperwork it isn't difficult to arrange the connections yourself
This message was last edited by inspectahomespain on 28/03/2014.