20 New Rules to Remember for Spanish Road Users

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24 Mar 2014 12:36 PM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

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Congress on Thursday passed new traffic legislation that will affect how motorists and cyclists use Spain’s roads. While the law will not come into effect for some months – and some of the reforms still need to be specified by a new regulation code slated for approval in June – these are some of the biggest changes to keep in mind when driving or pedaling along Spanish roads in the future.

1. Helmets mandatory in cities for cyclists under 16. After a long row over safety issues, the Popular Party has backtracked on its intention to make helmets mandatory for all riders within municipal limits. In the end, only minors will have to wear them. Not doing so could lead to fines of 200 euros for parents.

2. Small children may not ride in the front seat. Law enforcement officers will be able to stop and fine drivers carrying children under 1.35 meters in the front passenger seat, unless all the back seats are already taken up by other children also under the height limit (or the car has no back seats at all). Until now, under-12s could ride in the front as long as they had a booster seat or other approved retaining device. Taxis will have to follow the same rules, but parents, not taxi drivers, will be held accountable for violations. Fines can also reach 200 euros.

3. Bigger fines for drunk driving. Driving with double the allowed limit of alcohol in the blood will now mean a fine of 1,000 euros rather than 500. Those caught driving under the influence twice within the same year will get slapped with a 2,000-euro fine the second time round.

4. Fines for driving after taking drugs. The new law eliminates the need to prove that drug use influenced a person’s driving. Now, all it takes is a saliva test: if the result shows the presence of drugs in the body, drivers will be presented with a 1,000-euro fine regardless of whether the substances affected their driving or not. Prescription drugs are excluded.

5. Alcohol and drug tests for pedestrians. Pedestrians caught violating a traffic regulation – by crossing the road at the wrong place, for instance – will be obliged to submit to a drug and alcohol test. Until now, this was only the case if they were involved in an accident.

6. New speed limits. While the current speed limit on highways and freeways is 120km/h, the reforms contemplate raising this to 130km/h. The new code scheduled for approval in June will determine where and when this speed may be legally reached. Penalties will be the same: starting at 100 euros for vehicles going up to 150km/h.

7. No minimum speed restrictions for bicycles. This reform aims to solve a problem faced by cyclists in cities. Until now, vehicles could not travel at a speed below 50 percent of the limit. This was a problem for cyclists in spots such as Madrid’s Cuesta de la Vega, a steep slope where riders have a hard time going faster than 25km/h. Freeways remain off-limits to cyclists.

8. Ban on speed camera detectors and jammers. The new legislation expressly prohibits the use of speed camera detectors: drivers caught using them will be liable to fines of 200 euros and the loss of three points on their license. Speed camera jammers are considered much more serious and entail penalties of 6,000 euros and six points off the permit. Only alert systems offering information about the locations of speed cameras based on databases will be legal. Drivers with GPS devices incorporating speed camera detection capabilities will have to deactivate this option.

9. Foreign residents must register their vehicles. Because foreigners living in Spain were not under the obligation to register their cars here, in practice it was difficult to get them to pay traffic fines or submit to controls. The new regulations will determine the deadlines and conditions for vehicle registration.

10. Road works. It will be considered a serious offense to conduct any kind of road works without first informing the pertinent traffic authorities.

11. Road debris. Dropping items of any kind on the road will carry high penalties because of “the danger it poses to other road users.”

12. Inspecting driving schools. Hindering health department or traffic inspectors trying to carry out checks on driving schools and other vehicle-related centers will be considered an offense.

13. Police can fine vehicles without stopping them. Officers will be able to fine vehicles without hailing them down if they are performing duties that prevent them from doing so or giving chase.

14. Drivers to be responsible in accidents involving game animals. Until now, such accidents were only blamed on drivers if they were in violation of the rules of the road, otherwise the state or the owner of the hunting preserve were held accountable. Under the new law, drivers will always be considered to blame unless it can be proven that the animal stormed the road as a result of a big-game hunt held that day or within 12 hours of one having taken place. The state will only be accountable if it fails to provide proper warning signals or to mend broken fences. In practice what this means is that no compensation will be handed out in the event of a driver being killed or seriously injured after a collision with an animal on one of Spain’s nearly 25,000 hunting preserves.

15. 50 percent discount for early fine payment extended to 20 days. This is up from the current 15 days.

16. Environmental restrictions. Vehicles may be barred from entering certain roadways based on environmental criteria. The Environment Ministry will establish the exact rules governing this point.

17. New reasons for immobilizing vehicles. As well as the vehicles of drivers who let children ride without the proper safety devices, authorities will also be able to immobilize those being driven without the proper permit (a C permit in the case of vehicles weighing between 3,500kg and 7,500kg and a D permit in the case of buses).

18. Ban on taking unsafe vehicles to other countries. This article is an application of the United Nations’ Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, which aims to discourage the importing and exporting of new or used vehicles deemed unsafe.

19. Priority for tow trucks. Tow trucks on their way to assist motorists will have right of way and have to be treated the same way as ambulances.

20. Fewer driving restrictions for cancer patients. Right now cancer sufferers are hardly ever allowed to drive, unless their doctor takes it up with the traffic authority. But improved medical treatment is set to be reflected in the new road rules, which will place fewer restrictions on patients.




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24 Mar 2014 2:46 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

I never knew about restrictions on cancer sufferers, wonder how many people with cancer do either? What if someone with cancer is perfectly able to drive?What if they have recovered? If they were really poorly they wouldn't drive anyway! Seems discriminatory, especially when you think of all the other conditions people have which may affect driving, ( diabetes, epilepsy, stroke( I've seen a person who had a stroke, who I wouldn't have thought should be driving, but his wife assured me there was no problem!)

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24 Mar 2014 3:50 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I renewed my Spanish DL a few months ago.  The examination centre told me they needed a report from my GP as I taking Sintrom (a medication which slows blood coagulation, often referred to wrongly as ‘blood thinning’)

My GP was not aware what she was required to provide, so just confirmed I was on the medication and my levels were ‘normal’. 

My DL was renewed but for just 2 years.  I am 74.

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24 Mar 2014 4:28 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

I know someone with terminal cancer and his doctor has told him he must not drive with his condition, but its up to him to tell DVLA, the doctors cant, kinda defeats it somehow, he could be a danger on the roads to other innocent road use's, but nothing can be done to stop him.

I also didn't know about Spain and it's rules on cancer sufferer's and driving.

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24 Mar 2014 4:39 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

but nothing can be done to stop him.

Not true. In the circumstances you describe (and you know) he is driving without insurance (failing to disclose material facts to his insurance company). Tell him and if he does not cancel his DL tell the police.  If you do not you are as bad as him.


This message was last edited by johnzx on 24/03/2014.

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24 Mar 2014 4:54 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message


but nothing can be done to stop him.

Not true. In the circumstances you describe (and you know) he is driving without insurance (failing to disclose material facts to his insurance company). Tell him and if he does not cancel his DL tell the police.  If you do not you are as bad as him.


I know a couple of people who have bad vision, but drive, should I snitch on them as well then? 

No doubt you do as well,  have you snitched, and had them banned from driving?

I know quite a few who drink in Spain, so do you,  who knows perhaps well over the limit...Them as well then?

If a Doctor has no right to stop him, who am I to.

** EDITED - Against forum rules **



This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 3/24/2014 6:41:00 PM.

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24 Mar 2014 5:27 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

I simply do not get why people are so afraid of "snitching".

Is it fear or simply not the done thing. I guess it is a mind set and until you are a victim then the turning of the blind eye is easiest for a peaceful life

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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24 Mar 2014 5:33 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

What a fine attitude ?  (Blow you Jack,  I am OK)

You are happy to boast you know people driving without insurance and are proud to let them continue. 

I hope your friend does not run into  an INNOCENT person and kill or severely injure them, leaving them with no insurance claim, because you are afraid to be responsible.

..............   have you snitched, and had them banned from driving?

For driving without insurance, not just 'snitched' but arrested and imprisoned them. And like all responsible people (like Tadd)  I would do so again in a flash and protect those innocent vidtims



This message was last edited by johnzx on 24/03/2014.

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24 Mar 2014 6:45 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

'Snitching' is a sensitive subject in Spain (and we're also not keen on it in the UK - it seems like a nasty, back-stabbing thing to do). During the Civil War, a simple denuncia was enough to get a person tortured and killed. People used this method to get rid of competitors - whether rivals in politics, business or love - and sometimes gained financially from their repugnant acts.

So it's not a simple thing to 'snitch' on people. No-one is perfect and often it must be that knowledge that prevents a person from reporting people to the authorities. It's easier if you don't know them. I've rung the police when I've seen two really pissed guys coming out of a pub and getting into a car; but I've never reported a friend for it - I'd just advise them that they shouldn't and if they went ahead I'd lose respect for them. But we make decisions like this every day. You had better be very sure of your facts for one thing if you try and get someone into trouble.

An interesting point in what Ian has reported is the development with regard to pedestrians. Where we have our house in Spain, as I have pointed out several times, the Guardia Civil are on a mission to stop and fine as many motorists as they can for any tiny infraction. I thought at least we'd be safe walking. So are they going to stop people as they walk away from bars and book them for having had too much to drink? 

The Spanish Government would do better to work out how to improve the economy and how to get back the millions stolen by Spanish politicians over the years and how to stop these rotten corrupt practices and change a systemically corrupt culture, than to constantly be thinking of new punitive measures against the populace.


My account of moving to Spain.  http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/olives.aspx"><img


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24 Mar 2014 6:46 PM by scubamike Star rating in Murcia province . 218 posts Send private message

scubamike´s avatar
Johnzx You imply that you have been singled out by not having your driving licence renewed for more than two years As far as I am aware all renewals for over 70s are for two years now

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24 Mar 2014 8:51 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Nothing to do with blow you Jack I am okay, but it ain't going to be me to snitch on a dying man for any reason, and I have no doubt you would, but that just shows the type of person you are.

And it's not a boast that I happen to know some poor soul who is dying, and I also made no mention of him driving, read my post again, fact is when he asked me if he could drive my car when I picked him up from hospital I said NO.

You only arrested people driving with no insurance because you were supposed to have been a copper so it was your job, if you're so squeaky clean then snitch, but as you are not it makes a difference.




This message was last edited by baz1946 on 24/03/2014.

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24 Mar 2014 9:51 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

'but it ain't going to be me to snitch on a dying man for any reason'

What a load of crap! I'm sorry but what a cop out - that's like saying "here are the keys to your car even though I know you've just sunk a bottle of vodka".

If you are going to put forward a reason to justify someone driving without insurance and under the influence of whatever then I suggest you at least make us try to believe it!

This message was last edited by Pitby on 24/03/2014.

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25 Mar 2014 7:44 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Scubamike, ……You imply that you have been singled out

No I did not imply, you misunderstood.  I was adding to comment made by Campo by saying that I had been asked for a GP’s report because I was on Sintrom.  That was the first time that had happened to me in the 20 odd years I have had a Spanish DL


Baz you said,   “but nothing can be done to stop him”.   I pointed out, like Pitby, what yopu were saying was “A load of c…  .”

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25 Mar 2014 9:06 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

What a load of crap! I'm sorry but what a cop out - that's like saying "here are the keys to your car even though I know you've just sunk a bottle of vodka".

If you are going to put forward a reason to justify someone driving without insurance and under the influence of whatever then I suggest you at least make us try to believe it!

And just where does me giving car keys out to someone who has drunk a bottle of vodka come into this? if you really wanted to know what I would do if I saw a drunk about to drive a car then start another thread about "For what reason would you stop a drunk from driving".

And I notice Johnx that you cant reply to me asking you that if you're so squeaky clean then snitch...But you're not.

And as you said your on that drug, did you know you are not supposed to do any type of activity that could involve you hurting your self...Like running / jogging...Like riding a bike / pedal power or otherwise...Maybe even driving a car, not that would concern you, because folk should do what you "Say and not what you do".

Was it me that mentioned about driving with no insurance? Don't think so,   and for the record because the doctor has told him "Don't drive"  his insurance company have been told, and didn't seem to be to concerned about it, just noted it, perhaps due to the many thousands who have cancer and are still driving. Do I agree with that as well...Thats also another thread?

How many thousands of drivers in Spain that had cancer have driven for many years without knowing they shouldn't have...But of course all the puritans knew about that law even before it was ever mentioned on here.

I just wish I could say I had lived such a pure holier then thou life as the preachers have. Thankfully I cant.


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25 Mar 2014 9:20 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

 Baz ,  There you go wriggling again, hoping that by slurring others you can hide

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25 Mar 2014 9:34 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

 Baz ,  There you go wriggling again, hoping that by slurring others you can hide

Wriggling again about what? hiding from what? slurring others...Who? I am only answering you back...Something which I have noticed on here you dont much care for.


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25 Mar 2014 10:49 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

baz   slurring others...Who? 

One such libel has been edited from your post on this thread

I will return now to ignoring you, wriggling

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25 Mar 2014 11:39 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message


baz   slurring others...Who? 

One such libel has been edited from your post on this thread

I will return now to ignoring you, wriggling


Yes Johnx I did notice that a line had been removed, and also guessed it was you  (or you reminded the forum owners of it)  that probably reported it......


Who's reputation has been damaged then? not yours for sure, because if you were indeed a copper for so many years that you keep on about, and lived in Spain for almost the same amount of years, you have no longer any reputation as a police officer, and if others would care to sue me for what I said..Then go ahead, but make sure in the light of whats being reported of late (Even as we speak today)  all the facts are honest and straight.

Sir you are not so slow in coming forwards to badly criticise others in a "Not so nice way" and reminding them of your vast experience in many fields, but when pulled up over small items, you care not to answer, like when I asked you if you are squeaky clean then snitch on a person, you wont because you are not.

Please don't ignore me, I hope that if I should post something that is both incorrect and wrong I get pulled up over it so I can be corrected, and apologise openly.





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25 Mar 2014 1:17 PM by acer Star rating. 1539 posts Send private message

Ah it is true, EOS really stands for "Egos on Show" wink

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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25 Mar 2014 1:47 PM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

eos_ian´s avatar

Can we keep the thread on track please without provoking other members. It's not difficult is it?





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