repair to small tiles on swimming pool floor without emptying water

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12 Jun 2014 6:54 AM by paulbirkett Star rating. 34 posts Send private message

Hi everyone,

Live in los alcazares, murcia and need to get advice as to a good reliable company that is able to repair/replace a number of small approximate inch square swimming pool tiles on the floor without having to empty the water.

About a dozen tiles in three different areas at the deep end.  

Any help from experience would be appreciated including costs.

Any more info let me know thankyou in advance

Paul birkett

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12 Jun 2014 8:42 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I just found this on 'Google'      It maybe helpful, but I would check with any pool servicing company, if in Spain they would do such a job. I would think it was more likely that a DIY person would make the effort  (I know I would)  but not a company.

 Good Luck,  John


I've used a glue from the plumbing section of the hardware store, it is green colour on the outside and white in the middle, it comes in a sealed tube. you break a piece off and massage it in your hand until totally white and it is ready to use underwater, you have 10 minutes or so before it goes off. If you have gear to stay underwater and some patience you could fix the area if it is only 10 tiles or so. including using the glue to grout in between the tiles. I have done this and it looks great.

This message was last edited by johnzx on 12/06/2014.

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12 Jun 2014 6:11 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

I was particularly interested in this thread as I've a similar problem to Paul.  I used Johnzx's findings to search for the product further and came up with several possibilities:

It seems that 3M have got several products, but I wasn't sure which is best - perhaps someone else can comment?  I'm in the UK for a few weeks but will certainly give one of them a go in July, probably the best time of year fo do the job also.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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28 Jun 2014 11:20 AM by baronpenthouse Star rating. 39 posts Send private message

Hi Paul

I had the same problem.  Did it myself with this stuff:-  about £38 a silicone sized tube. Not cheap but good kit isn't is it?  Think it came from Belgium or out that way.

You tube link:-

Brilliant stuff but you need to prepare.  I was sticking about 10 broken tiles back at varying depths from 15 cm to 175 cm in my pool.  15 cm depth no problem other than had to use loads of suncream!  175 cm a little different.  The main problem is trying to stay on the bottom to:- 1)  Chip out old broken tiles and 2)  re-stick new tiles in place.  Try to get just enough glue so it is forced out of the sides and leave it set.  When it has set go back down and cut off the spare glue.  That way you don't have to grout. You need thin neoprene gloves or similar because if you get the glue on you it is a bugger to get off, (White spirit or thinners does the job).  To stay on the bottom I put a metal parasol base in and held onto that while chipping away at the tiles and obviously coming up every so often for air.  Worked great.  Most pool people will tell you they can do it but I am in the camp that I can make a better job because it's my pool!  And I saved a fortune because as you have probably already found out, these pool people don't come cheap.

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28 Jun 2014 11:59 AM by Susanspain Star rating in Mijas, Malaga. 145 posts Send private message

Susanspain´s avatar

If you are unable to find the above glues, I am sure one of the pool shops your way have a specialist underwater tiling man. (We are lucky enough on CDS to have a diver who does it as a living!)

But good luck either way :) NB Just to say it is possible to fix! 

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29 Jun 2014 6:39 AM by paulbirkett Star rating. 34 posts Send private message

Thanks very much to everyone for taking the time to reply. Really appreciate your comments.

Will buy one of the products suggested and firstly have a gi myself. By the way does anyone have any info on what these companies charge to do a relatively small area of tiles just to give me a guideline?

Any approx costs would be useful as a comparison.

Cheers paul

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29 Jun 2014 8:39 AM by baronpenthouse Star rating. 39 posts Send private message

Hi Paul

I asked my man that looks after my place to get the pool chap in and he said he would have to wait untill July for the pool to warm up!  Not good really because the chemicals in the pool start eating away at not so much the original tile adhesive, but the concrete pool structure itself.

PS to the instructions I gave earlier, you can if you like get underwater tile grout, so if you didn't want to use the adhesive for the whole job, just stick the tiles on, let it set and go down again with your grout.  I prefer using the adhesive.

Have a go yourself Paul, its easy, your missus will think you are James Bond and its a good talking point down the pub, and, you will know what to do next time. Happy diving!


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29 Jun 2014 1:04 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Try this number, he's a diver in Murcia, does this sort of work all the time.


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29 Jun 2014 4:39 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

A chap in valencia tried this method he tied barbel weights around his waist to fix his 2M deep pool needless to say he saved a few pounds but drowned at the same time get the professionals in for god sake

Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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29 Jun 2014 5:55 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

The website suggested by Baronpenthouse  is very useful.  If you click on "buy" you get options to to do in Spain, then by region.  So I'm giving it a go and will try and remember not to tie my barbels on too tight!

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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29 Jun 2014 6:47 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

Just had a reply to my email, so thought I would share it:


thank you for your interest in Underwater Magic, we don’t have a dealer in your area yet, but you can order direct from us either via email or in our online shop just follow the link on our web page
When you order via email we can offer you the following:
1 tube of Underwater Magic 290 ml in the color of your choice 39.95 Euros
3 tubes Underwater Magic 290 ml in the color of your choice 99.95 Euros


the prices including shipping with DHL regular mail lead time 10 to 14 days.
Available colors are: white, cream white, sand, grey,  blue and black
Larger amounts and express delivery on request


You can pay via  PayPal, credit card payment via PayPal and Bank transfer. Please note if you choose Bank transfer that all national and international bank fee’ s are payable at you side.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Kind Regards,
Your Profi-Glue Sales Team
Where magic is more than just a brand

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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29 Jun 2014 8:35 PM by baronpenthouse Star rating. 39 posts Send private message

Hi all

Just a few points:-

1) You're not going to the bottom of the Mariana Trench here.

2)  Certainly advantages with getting porofessionals in.a)  It is safer, b) you can sit on the pool side supping ale and chatting to yer missus.

3)  Certain advantages with not getting professsional in. a)  Much cheaper, b)  you know how to do it next time AND help others who ask the same question c) MI5 won't come looking for you to offer you a job where you wear a white dinner jacket, drive an Aston Martin and have loads of lovelies chasing after you, (including baddie lovelies).

3)  Don't be foolish enough to tie anything to you to keep you on the bottom.  I can hire you my parasol base for € 25 per day if you like.

4)  Live life on the edge sometimes, it really is a hoot.

5) Professional divers are obviously good for the job but all they talk about is flippers and fish.

6)  Make a will.

On a serious note all, will try to sell you the 'special' gun to apply the stuff.  Don't get one as all it is is a normal silicone sealant gun from B&Q.  Happy diving!


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29 Jun 2014 8:37 PM by baronpenthouse Star rating. 39 posts Send private message

Sorry but PS.  One tube goes a hell of a long way.

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29 Jun 2014 8:52 PM by paulbirkett Star rating. 34 posts Send private message

Once again great advice and thanks to all. Great website enjoy sharing knowledge and experiences with every one.

Regards paul

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30 Mar 2015 1:32 PM by darrencharles Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

You can Repair Swimming Pool  tiles with simple tools you probably already have on hand. Finding matching swimming pool tiles may be the most difficult part of the project. Lower the water level enough to expose the swimming pool tiles that you need to repair. Allow the area to air-dry. Pry off any old grout that remains on the area of the pool tile installation using a hammer and small chisel. Use the hammer and chisel to remove any mortar that remains on the substrate behind the tiles. Measure the depth of the substrate behind the tiles. Mix a small amount of swimming pool plaster with the additive that comes with the product in a small container. Add enough water to make the plaster the consistency of applesauce. Dampen the exposed substrate with some water. This keeps the plaster from drying too quickly and cracking. Spread the plaster onto the exposed substrate on the swimming pool wall with a putty knife. Smooth it out so it is an even depth. Let the plaster dry 24 hours. Mix enough swimming pool thinset mortar with its additive and enough water.

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