Oh, the joys of living in Spain! Among them, chuckling at menu translations...
1. Navajas al natural
“Cockles to the natural one”
2. Conejo asado
“Roast Rabbi”
3. Sopa del día
“Soap of the Day”
4. Revuelto con jamón
“In a mess (Untidy) of ham”
5. Chuleta borracha
“Drunk pork chop”
6. Presa ibérica
“Iberian prey”
7. Papa rellena
“Pope stuffs”
8. Calamares en su tinta
“Squids in his (her, your) ink”
9. Tripas
“Fried guts”
10. Gambas a la plancha
“Shrimps to the iron”
11. Bonito con pimientos
“Beautiful with peppers”
12. Bolas empanadas de carne y patata
“Hair in potato balls”
I think I just lost my appetite.
What dodgy translations have you come across?!