New Bank Regulations digital ID

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17 Apr 2015 1:59 PM by amatista Star rating. 438 posts Send private message


I was in Banco Santander yesterday (for my sins) and saw an A4 paper stuck to the wall (professional as ever) informing customers of new digital ID regulations. Apparently our accounts will be blocked if we don't provide this. Can anyone explain what this means for residents please? I waited so long to get served yesterday my brain had gone numb by the time I reached the counter and I forgot to ask.


Muchas gracias,



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17 Apr 2015 3:32 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message



I read about this weeks ago, went to the Santander and asked, about updating my details, only to be told that they had my details and did not need anything, even though I said my passport number had changed

Having seen yet more warnings I went back, and was told the same.

Off I went, reassured

Today,my neighbour said he had had the same experience,  but  worried, went a third time, insisting they look again at their records, and found that  he  did indeed  have to bring his residency certificate and passport along.

On hearing this I went back, and was told that if I hadn't  had any changes, since 2009, not to worry.

 I said  my account hadn't changed since 2001!

 Then, scrutinising my account she said," Oh yes, you do have to bring your documents in!"

Apparently, during the last week, someone was specifically appointed to examine the accounts

They've had 5 years to sort this, and left it to the last 2 weeks!

What a shambles, when your bank has to be told their job!

Had I acted on their previous "advice" I may well have found my account frozen at the end of this month!

Would Santander  have put right the resulting mess regarding direct debits, pension payments etc?

What do YOU think?!

Moral, dont trust anyone!


This message was last edited by camposol on 17/04/2015.

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17 Apr 2015 3:57 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar

They've had 5 years to sort this, and left it to the last 2 weeks!

That's about the size of it!!

I did tell you three weeks ago Camposol that Santander seemed far to sloppy about this.

We went three weeks ago and all they wanted was to scan our pasports and NIE's, they already had the correct document numbers. By doing this they upload your passport picture to their banking systems so every time you go to the counter in future your picture will come up in front of the cashier. No mention about source of funds info wanted though





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17 Apr 2015 5:06 PM by jan2 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Bankia have blocked our account now!!! Found out after trying to get some money out on Wednesday when we were out and about, first we thought their system might be down and then (panic set in) had our account been hacked? Got home and found all safe and money in the account.  Went into our branch Thursday morning to be told: your'e not residents - we are, you're not tax residents - we are. Told then that we needed to show our passports, nie numbers and certificate of residencia. I asked what about standing orders due to go out this month and was told they would be paid this month, but not next month. This is the first we have heard about this - were the banks supposed to let their customers know?

I asked what we were to do for money - and the girl behind the counter very politely shrugged her shoulders!! My husband had flown to the UK Thursday morning, so the earliest we can get in to sort this out is Wednesday. Having mentioned this to friends, they have all said that everything they have read about it states that accounts would be frozen after 28th April - so why have Bankia frozen our account now??? Luckily (for all they care) we can use our english account - what a nightmare!!!

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17 Apr 2015 5:28 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

To add insult to injury, I got a text this pm asking me to take my id details into the bank!

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17 Apr 2015 5:54 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar


Awful story, good job you have got another source of money to tide you over, many probably would not.

We were talking about this at some length back in March, you might want to have a look here

Let us know how you get on unblocking the account





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17 Apr 2015 5:59 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Jan2 - you should make an official complaint

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17 Apr 2015 6:09 PM by starfox Star rating. 58 posts Send private message

In another thread about the subject I posted a link in Spanish from a law firm in which it stated they can't actually block accounts without a court order, this was for residents however.

They said if they block the account you should complain because they can't do it. Not sure if the same applies for non residents but it is in regards to the same law.




translated text:

ast week a client told us a banking situation which, after investigating a bit, we found that it is common practice to some entities.

We explain: This client informed us that he had a bank account in Banco Sabadell (from the former CAM) jointly and severally with his wife ownership with which it is in the process of separation. When trying to make a transfer to another entity for a meager amount compared obrante account balance, Banco Sabadell was prevented by blocking the bank account. In this situation our client contacted the company who told him that by application of Law 10/2010 of Money Laundering should have scanned the DNI of all account holders; Although they had the ID of the client, lacked the DNI scanned wife and by order of the Bank of Spain, were forced to block the bank account.

I although our specialty is family law (not the banking law) and at the request of our client asked us to investigate the validity of these claims and if so, whether the bank may or may not block a bank account for the reason stated we decided to study the case and as a very practical, we can say that it is NOT true that current date 28/10/2014 the Bank of Spain has ordered the blocking of any bank account for the lack of scanning the ID of one of the owners.

Retrieved issue with the Bank of Spain, we are able to state that under Law 10/2010 on Prevention of Money Laundering, Bank of Spain requires banks to have a copy of the DNI of the holders of the accounts and bank deposits and, in case of inspection, entities that fail to comply with this obligation can be sanctioned. However, as we discussed by the Bank of Spain itself, bank accounts ONLY BE BLOCKED BY COURT ORDER OR JUST CAUSE FORTH BY THE BANK OF SPAIN AND TO DATE 28/10/2014, DNI FAILURE IS NOT CONSIDERED BY THE BANK OF SPAIN AS JUST CAUSE ACCOUNT LOCK.

Thus, in a situation as described, our customer can go to Banco Sabadell and submit a written complaint requesting the immediate release of your account with warning handling of the complaint via Bank of Spain. The complaint must be submitted in duplicate to the bank seal the copy and if no resolution within two months or it is not satisfactory is obtained, it can raise the claim to the Bank of Spain.


This message was last edited by starfox on 17/04/2015.

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17 Apr 2015 6:17 PM by jan2 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Will let you know how we get on - we are residents and our bank account is for residents.

Just a horrible feeling when you cant access your money!!! Having heard horror stories about accounts being frozen/blocked when one of you dies, we have opened an account over here in my name (the bankia one is a joint account) - will need to check that one now!!!

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22 Aug 2015 1:57 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

Just curious - does any one know if any bank accounts were blocked because of this requirement?  It all went very quiet.

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22 Aug 2015 4:24 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Read of the odd problem from 2nd home owners with properties  Vera and Mojacar areas. 

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22 Aug 2015 6:35 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message

Yes,I believe many Bank Accounts were blocked. Best you get it done,if not already done so.



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22 Aug 2015 6:54 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Just curious - does any one know if any bank accounts were blocked because of this requirement?  It all went very quiet.


I have joint account with my wife (we are residents) and with my son. He is non-resident. I added him as a ‘name’ on the account because a utility company would not continue debiting the account without his name on it, as he was the contract holder, albeit that they had done so for 10 years. 

Last week I tried make an on line transaction and was told my account was blocked as I had not supplied the digital ID for my son.

I copied the email I had sent several months ago, with the ID's  of myself, my wife and my son, as attachments. The bank apologised and unblocked the account

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22 Aug 2015 9:26 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

nigel188, I did mine.  I just wondered because there was quite a stir, and then it went quiet, May came and went.   I live in the Mojacar area and I have not heard of anyone having problems.  

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23 Aug 2015 8:33 AM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message

Hi Roly

I think you will find that the Direct Debits might go through OK. But if you have not done Internet Banking or drawn Cash from your Account for the Past year or 2 since April/May 2015,you might have a problem. You will definitely need a Digital ID. I remember in South Africa when Money Laundering Actions were first being taken,"KYC" (know your Customer) as it was known  in my SA Bank,until you had  taken in the necessary documentation to your Branch,your Account was automatically Blocked.Hope this helps.



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23 Aug 2015 11:14 AM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

It is really nice that people are keen to give advice, but it was just a question about whether anyone actually knows of anyone having problems.   Obviously, I don't have any problems (but thanks for the concern nigel188!!), but I was just curious about the outcome of May, and whether all the talk of accounts being blocked had actually led to any action.  The fact that johnzx had a problem, in spite of being resident and having everything in order is really interesting, and I am glad it was rectified.   It may be because, as nigel 188 suggests, they did not stop paying direct debits, but may have put a  block on anything else.   I still would have thought that we would have heard more, both on this forum and out and about, if there had been a huge problem.  

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23 Aug 2015 12:09 PM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 posts Send private message

nfm2862´s avatar

Towards the end of July around 30 apartments on our development had their electricity cut off due to direct debits not being paid.

On our July Debtors list there were a substantial number of missed payments for owners who are usually not on the list & from responses received from those owners, it would appear that Bank Accounts were frozen from the end of June.



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23 Aug 2015 1:11 PM by jan2 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

We had trouble with our account (April ) and I went into our bank, no joy but then on the Sunday my husband (whilst in the UK) was able to top up my mobile phone and I was able to withdraw some money from our account on the Monday (20th April). When my husband returned, we went into the bank and gave them our details (passport, residencia and NIE), a few hiccups with the digital signiture and since then we have had no problems.

A friend of ours who left Spain in April to live in the UK couldn't access her spanish bank account but her bank manager was very, very good - he unblocked it and sent her a form to sign. So yes, there were a few problems and I think that our bank realised that our account shouldn't have been blocked and that is why we were able to access it within a few days - before the official cut off date of April 28th.


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23 Aug 2015 5:27 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Jan. ..............  there were a few problems and I think that our bank realised that our account shouldn't have been blocked and that is why we were able to access it within a few days

My bank unblocked mine when I was on the phone complaining that it had been blocked, I immediately made a SEPA transfer.


This message was last edited by johnzx on 23/08/2015.

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20 Feb 2016 1:51 AM by A12ene Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

Yes. Santander blocked our account in  November. We are not residents, but have a holiday home, and had not received any notification regarding the requiremnt of our passports.

We found out in December when we were on holiday that a payment of over 4000euros had been returned in November to the payee, without our knowledge.

It is now nearly the end of Feb. and we are still trying to get our money back without success.

I am furious that this should be allowed to happen and have completely lost confidence in the Spanish banking system.

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