chould someone tell me why spanish Minimum age for marriage is 16 years old?

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08 Jun 2015 11:16 AM by YvetteDeng Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

 working on my paper, so want to know the reason why spanish marriage age is 16? thx.

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08 Jun 2015 11:40 AM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar

Hi Yvette


Have a look at this page from The Guardian newspaper, up to date information, April this year. Seems they are only now changing the minimum age from 14




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08 Jun 2015 1:53 PM by YvetteDeng Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

thanks a lot 

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08 Jun 2015 5:02 PM by nitram Star rating in castalla. 176 posts Send private message

Simple raelly it´s Spanish law, what is it in your country ¿ and reason being ¿probally same answer

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08 Jun 2015 5:39 PM by YvetteDeng Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

government makes a law in light of a nation's conditions. it cannot only beacause sb says so and is so. so. therefore, i want to know the conditions or casuse.

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10 Jun 2015 10:06 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Until quite recently in Spain the age for marriage, of course with parental consent, was 12 for a girl and 13 for a boy.

Of course, with parential consent,  marriage at the age of 16 is permitted in UK

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10 Jun 2015 10:49 AM by GB45 Star rating in Wiltshire and holida.... 130 posts Send private message

 I don't think that ex-pats would necessarily know the causes and conditions as they are probably historic. Spain has just got around to bringing the law into the 21st century.

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10 Jun 2015 3:52 PM by nitram Star rating in castalla. 176 posts Send private message

There is no rhyme or reason can be found but this is Spain, so probally sat in goverment thought about it govermant voted all done and dusted, as this law has only just been changed in 11 years living here never heard any talk about it it just happens. Try the Goverment or a high ranking church person, Bishop etc, as GB45 said ex-pats probally don´t know, we are guests of this country and just follow thier laws, a small number of people (ex pats) arnt going to change the laws of Spain

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11 Jun 2015 2:00 PM by amogles Star rating in El Campello (holiday.... 180 posts Send private message

Maybe the law was made to accomodate the gitanos and related groups in whose culture very young (and often arranged) marriages are the norm.

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11 Jun 2015 2:56 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Maybe the law was made to accomodate the gitanos (gypsies) and related groups in whose culture very young (and often arranged) marriages are the norm.


I was told by a Spanish Guardia Civil friend that was why when about 25 years ago the Spanish government tried to change the age of marriage (and sexual consent) from 12 for a girl,  13 for a boy, to 13 and 14 respectively,  it was defeated.


At that time, in the town where I lived, an English girl of 13 (pregnant) had married her Spanish boyfriend.

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