It is a quaint old Spanish custom to amble across the road oblivious to other road users.
very popular amongst little old widows dressed in black, who have the right at any time to suddenly appear from between parked cars, and wave their arms at any driver who dares to sound a warning horn.
it's compulsory to take as long as possible to cross the road 3 metres from a crossing, and if possible, have a long chat. Whole families enjoy standing in the middle of the road, catching up on the gossip.
pavements must not be used for walking on( if only because of the dog mess!) push chairs should be pushed into the road in front of the parents so the children are in maximum danger.
The Police do not like to admonish the jaywalkers , snd spoil their fun, as Spanish customs are already dying out, and this is one they want to preserve.
immerse yourelf in Spanish culture- try jay walking yourself; it is a liberating experience.