Demolition Order

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20 Jun 2015 11:19 AM by Frustrated Owner Star rating in Torreblanca del Sol. 56 posts Send private message

Frustrated Owner´s avatar

I have been told that a derelict Aifos building site opposite my property has formally been given a Demolition Order but the banks who now own the site ( as they do all Aifos sites I think ) are refusing to do anything.

Does anyone know what pressure, if any, can be put on the banks to do something ? It seems to me that the Town Hall and/or Government are basically ineffectual at following these things through and the banks can do just about anythiung they want.

A life without sunshine is mere existence

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20 Jun 2015 11:38 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Have the Banks cleared all their debts on this site or are there outstanding claimants?

How does existing law currently stand with regard to compensation if demolition orders are enforced?


This message was last edited by ads on 20/06/2015.

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20 Jun 2015 11:57 AM by Frustrated Owner Star rating in Torreblanca del Sol. 56 posts Send private message

Frustrated Owner´s avatar

Haven't got the foggiest idea.

A life without sunshine is mere existence

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22 Jun 2015 10:57 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

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Court decissions on demolitions orders have a 15 years deadline to be enforced. Enforcement can be requested by any third party who has a legitimate interest on it.


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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22 Jun 2015 3:35 PM by Frustrated Owner Star rating in Torreblanca del Sol. 56 posts Send private message

Frustrated Owner´s avatar

Thanks you Maria - nothing is going to happen soon then. sad


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