I am a UK and USA citizen. I have signed a Constitution for a Spanish Charity which is International in scope without fully understanding it (I was ill at the time, just out of surgery). I applaud its Aims. I have read the GoogleTranslate version of the Spanish Law on Right of Associations - Spanish Law on Forming Associations says:
Article II
5. La organización interna y el funcionamiento de las asociaciones deben ser democráticos, con pleno respeto al pluralismo.
The internal organization and functioning of Associations must be democratic, with full respect to pluralism.
Article IV
4. La Administración competente ofrecerá el asesoramiento y la información técnica de que disponga, cuando sea solicitada, por quienes acometan proyectos asociativos de interés general.
The competent authority will offer advice and technical information available, when it requested, for those undertaking projects associations of general interest.
Please can someone direct me (1) to a website in Spain that is similar to the UK Charity Commission website and (2) to the "competent authority" who can help me? I do not speak Spanish, so I need help in English.
I want to understand what to do when the Constitution of a Charity is not democratic, and when cultural differences are completely ignored, as we are an International charity. Also, I want to know my rights, duties, responsibilities to the organization and to the public as a Board member.
Also, I want to look up the Charity to see if it has actually been Registered. How do I do this? How long does it take to have a Registration put up into the government database, on average?
Any other advice, most gratefully received,
Thank you,
Dr Ruth TN, CH, CBH