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18 Feb 2016 10:43 AM by johnnyhoz Star rating in Andelucia. 3 posts Send private message

Hi all 

my wife and I moved here in November 2015, we are both retired in our late 60's and are now officially residents we have our NIE's and our health cards. I have just bought a car as we wish to explore Spain and to shop in surrounding towns, the garage owner where I bought the vehicle is doing the transfer of ownership etc, etc. he said he will do this at his expense, but talking to folk in a bar they say I need to get a tax number using a form Modelo 030, my wife and I are retired and both receiving our old age pensions paid into a Spanish bank we are not working and do not own property here, is it still necessary to fill in this 030 form and would we need help from an interpreter, would really appreciate advice on this.

Best Regards


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18 Feb 2016 10:56 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

When you say NIE's I guess you mean that you have Registered on the EU Citizens Register, so you have the green A4 sheet, or the green credit card sized one.   It is sometimes, but wrinkly referred to as 'residencia'. It replaced the residencia in 2007 when it was abolished for EU citizens.

Your tax ID is the NIE.

You may need a certificate of empadronamiento from your town hall. It is the list of people resident in the town.

PS Beware of bar room experts

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18 Feb 2016 11:08 AM by johnnyhoz Star rating in Andelucia. 3 posts Send private message

Thanks for your swift reply johnzx,

yes we have the small green credit size residencia card we also have the certificate of empadronamieto, but what about this modelo030 form, any ideas?

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18 Feb 2016 11:14 AM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

You don't need the Modelo 030. It's for those whose tax status changes or address details etc change. And for those who are going to do business with tax implications.

The NIE is your tax ID number and is sufficient for buying a car (or even property).

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18 Feb 2016 11:37 AM by johnnyhoz Star rating in Andelucia. 3 posts Send private message

Thank you mariedav for your reply, didn't want to waste money on the interpreter in our local bar, she's giving false advice and ripping people off, we did give her all the information i.e. our circumstances and the documents we already have.

thanks again


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20 Feb 2016 3:05 PM by Timbernew Star rating. 20 posts Send private message

Hi all, I am new to the site having just registered.

I am looking and hoping to buy a 3 bed apartment in the Mucia region, preferably on a golf resort.

I am learning as i search online, any advice will be very welcome.


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