These banks are having a laugh

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01 Mar 2016 2:43 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 posts Send private message

Bank web site property was on at 130k, then they put to 105k on a so called offer, I've offed 105k, bank says NO the offer is now finished and the property is now back to 130k, but they say they  will take a offer of 115k--120k. Ye I they bet you will, so they will now  sit on it and wait months years who knows for the next muppet who might pay whatever price they pluck out of the sky on any given day, but I am not that muppet Mr bank manager I wonder why they have 1000000s of properties to try and sell. Can't think why can you ?

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01 Mar 2016 3:11 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

Because if it stays on their books at the price it goes down as an asset at that price. A hundred properties at 100 grand show a 10 million euro in assets. If they sell them for 75,000 then their assets go down to 7.5 million.

OK, so they don't actually have any money but they do have the so-called "assets". Multiply that by the number of properties they have and the balance sheet shows a nice surplus. On the minus side, the taxes and fees will show on the debit side. At one time they could have counted on a nice increase in the value of the assets but not for the last 7 or 8 years so you'd think they'd try and get rid of them.


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01 Mar 2016 3:46 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 posts Send private message

I know what you saying, but why put it 105k then to reject 105k , it like they are doing it to get you interested at the so called low price, then tell you it's still a bargain 120k and you will buy it.Why don't they just double all the prices of the properties then it makes there assets look like there worth what ever million euros if it make them feel good, At the end of the day that are kidding nobody only them selves, because them properties are only worth what people will pay for them, it is also costing them money every month on community fees I know some banks pay it & some dont and they have the the wear and tear of a property and people breaking in and stealing things, U.K. Banks have the better idea send it to auction get the price someone will pay and move on.

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