ohhhhh fed up

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12 Sep 2007 12:00 AM by Nicky123 Star rating in Benalmadena soon to .... 17 posts Send private message

Needed to share with someone, as feeling very alone.  Have made a few posts on here, re advice on schools and area.  Oh well, I've been here a month now and feel totally fed up.  Its just me and my two kids and my heads spinning. 

Have taken a place in Allhorin de la torre, no idea what the area is like other than it looks nice and is close to a school.

Have decided to open a Spanish Bank Account and don't know which one.  I'm completely freaked out as I work from home online.  Of course, having only just found a place to live, I find its going to take two weeks to get any internet sorted.  Boss is gonna kill me if I can't work.  I'm lookin at numberous pages on the web trying to find a good deal on internet  and banks and can't read a thing.  So I feel totally useless and am starting to think, wish i hadn't come over now.

I guess it takes ages getting used too.  Think I need to go out for a good booze up to clear my head.  Just needed to share that with someone.


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12 Sep 2007 11:42 PM by Cioffi1 Star rating in London & Calahonda . 215 posts Send private message

Cioffi1´s avatar

We don't live in Spain - but have an account with the Halifax in Spain for our mortgage, standing orders etc. they're always very helpful. I'm sure you'll be OK - moving is hard whatever country you're in, especially when you have children, work etc. - give it time. You must be a strong person to have made the move in the first place!

Good luck to you and your family


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13 Sep 2007 12:11 AM by Candyfloss Star rating in Cardiff / Mar Menor. 1605 posts Send private message

Candyfloss´s avatar

Hi Nicki

Don't get down. We have a Halifax bank account too and is great and easy to use for all transactions. Internet banking is good for easy transfers and you can speak to someone in english which is always a good thing if you can't speak the lingo. Can't help with internet, where is Alhorre de la torre? If you say then sure someone will be able to give you the info.  I've made a lot of friends since buying in Spain and we don't even live there so things will work out don't worry.

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13 Sep 2007 1:01 AM by Nicky123 Star rating in Benalmadena soon to .... 17 posts Send private message

Thanks candy, just feeling pretty useless at the mo. Even find getting shopping and ordering taxis a prob... to say i jumped in feet first is an understatement lol x

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13 Sep 2007 8:59 AM by TheBantam Star rating. 107 posts Send private message

Cheer up Nicky,

Things will get better.

We've been here for 10 months now and I still get my down times but overall I wouldn't go back if you paid me - well maybe, if it was more than half a million! 

We too have Halifax accounts both here with Halifax Espana and in England.

A temp solution for your computer connection might be a GPRS card. We bought one over the counter from Movistar and were up and running in minutes.

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13 Sep 2007 10:48 AM by samson Star rating in Solihull/Benalmadena. 125 posts Send private message

Hi Nicky

The Bantam beat me to it as i was going to suggest the same idea. A better option though is the Vodaphone USB modem you can have it on Pay as you go and only takes a few minutes to set up. In fact if you are going to be using a laptop take it to the shop and they will do everything for you ,including installing the software and getting you your first credit etc. I use it all the time when i am in Spain and the speeds are as good as any ADSL line in England.

Keep your chin up and im sure everything will work out fine for you.

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13 Sep 2007 12:27 PM by Nicky123 Star rating in Benalmadena soon to .... 17 posts Send private message

Hi ya Bantam and Samson,

Well went out and opened spanish acct this morning, no idea of rates etc but needed one to arrange internet.  I like both your ideas about internet.

1. Where which shop would I take laptop too samson?

2. What is this GPRS card and you said you got it from Movistar, never heard of that, where can I get one from, is that a pay as you go thing too?

Speak soon,



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13 Sep 2007 12:33 PM by TheBantam Star rating. 107 posts Send private message

Movistar is Telefonica the Spanish telephone company's mobile arm. They have shops everywhere. We paid I think 30 euros upfront and then get a monthly bill for what we use which comes out of our bank account. We don't use the laptop for work purposes but we access a number of forums, email ,and use the internet for reference purposes for around 2-3 hours daily. Last months bill was 17 euros.

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13 Sep 2007 12:37 PM by TheBantam Star rating. 107 posts Send private message

Nicky just noticed you're in Benalmadena. The Movistar shop is in Arroyo,  If you are facing the station on the opposite side of the road its down the second road to your right I think. There is a pharmacist's at the top and a hot chicken shop almost opposite Movistar. There is also a Movistar shop in the Miramar Centre in Fuengirola/Mijas Costa. Exit 208 on the autovia.

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13 Sep 2007 1:09 PM by samson Star rating in Solihull/Benalmadena. 125 posts Send private message

Hi Nicky

If you take your laptop with you to any Vodaphone shop when you buy your USB modem they will set everything up for you. There is also a Vodaphone shop in Arroyo. I will give you a tip though get there about 9.45am as it opens at 10. By the time it opens there is usually a big queue. It gets that busy they have a ticket dispenser like they have at the deli counters in the UK.

I have both a USB and a GPRS card and found the USB moden to be much quicker,also you can even use it on a desktop pc as it will fit any USB port and basically once your account is et up its just plug and play. I even tried it iin my PC when i got home to the UK and it works fine. At the end of the day you have to weigh up the best option to suit your needs.


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13 Sep 2007 1:18 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

Nicky - when you get sorted you can change your bank and find a better deal but I think they are all pretty much the same.

I use Caixa and found them fabulous with an english speaker at the branches, very helpful and full internet access to do transfers and everything.

The guys have given you some great ideas re your laptop and worse case scenario there will be internet cafes you can use until you get sorted

Sometimes Telefonica say 2 weeks but if they have an engineer in the area they are faster - a tip - MAKE SURE when the guy is there the adsl is connected, I moved recently, the phone was done within 2 days but they forgot to connect the internet so that took ages!!! Even though it had been ordered!

These are the hard days - dont give up otherwise you will have let it beat you.

We are all here to help and bolster you and in time you ill look back and give yourself a pat on the head

Well done you so far and good luck!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!


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13 Sep 2007 2:01 PM by Nicky123 Star rating in Benalmadena soon to .... 17 posts Send private message

Awww thanks for all that.  All your advice and kind words have picked me up a little.  Just one more question, both the Movistar and Vodafone, are they easy to stop, as I only need something until telefonica sort me out.  Pay and go i'm a bit worried about as i work 10-12 a day, eekkkkkkk.  But least I know now there is something I can use.

With many many thanks, feeling a whole lot better.

Have a nice day.



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13 Sep 2007 3:28 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

Use pay and go for mow. Movistar is the mobile fone arm of telefonica but both will tie you into a years contract minumum if you take a contract with them so be careful - then they charge you for changing!

Unless you get a good deal and are happy with it, so you may want to do pay and go for now until you get a bit settled and savvy

You have a nice day too and I hope the rain isnt as bad with you as it is here - Im about 25-30 mins drive from you on the coast!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!


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