valentinaradu If you are a tax resident in Spain you need to declare in your tax declaration all your assets in the world!
I do not believe that is as you state it.
One must declare all income worldwide and pay imputed tax on property as I described, in June of each year.
One must also declare on a form 720 assets located outside Spain if they amount to 50,000€ in any of the three categories specified by law, by end of March each year.
They are separate declarations.
See here for more specific info re 720 declarations.
Team GB. My friend does not have an income from his property in Irelands. As I said, it was imputed tax which he was fined for not declaring and paying.
Baz. The friend (tax resident) of whom I spoke, I know has been declaring and paying tax on an apartment which he lets in Spain and on all his other income, pensions and investments etc., in UK and Ireland, and has made tax declarations (paying around 18,000 € p.a.) all the years he has lived on Spain.
Knowing him well and his financial situation I know it would be very unlikely he would have come up as a potential tax dodger. I believe as we have been told, that with the exchange of information countries are now making, his error came to light just as a now routine matter.
I posted this as a warning to all those not making full declarations or none at all, believing they can ‘live under the radar’ and escape detection. I believe those days are no more
This message was last edited by johnzx on 14/11/2016.