The thin edge of the wedge

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22 Nov 2016 7:09 AM by nicechap Star rating. 11 posts Send private message

How many of you have read that the Alicante Ayuntamiento  are going to install 140 cameras in and around the city, now I dont know how many of you were in London when this happend there, I was there we were given all the old rubbish reasons for them being put up and they were all lies and Mayor Gabriel Echavarri is useing the same reasons so we know that its all lies,he says its for security and surveillance and monitoring traffic he also says it will IMPROVE TOURISM how instaling 140 traffic cameras will improve tourism I fail to see, its all RUBBISH HOGWASH they are there to generate MONEY the same as they did in the UK  Alicante does not have a traffic problem, drivers have no ider how this is going to effect them and business will suffer as well. At the time I was there one camera cost was 30,000 pounds now a badly sited one would pay for itself in 3 months and a well place on would pay for itself in less than a month, there are cameras in the UK that generate over  a millon pounds a year, this is just the start once this is up and running then there will be the expanion to the system followd by cameras covering Bus lanes,traffic lights, yellow boxes finaly ending up with the Congestion Charge, trust me I was there and have seen it all before

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22 Nov 2016 8:59 AM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


I get your point about money raising and the question is where will the money go? If the money is put back into the system to improve safety, roads etc. then no problem

If cameras make a place safer and catches wrong doers then again no problem


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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22 Nov 2016 9:18 AM by Jimbofinn Star rating in Chiclana De La Front.... 225 posts Send private message

Jimbofinn´s avatar

Read this (link), then decide whether or not the reasons for installing cameras in Alicante is justified.


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22 Nov 2016 9:27 AM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

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If like me your drive through Alicante on a regular basis you would say yes great idea, especially if it helps with the maniacs on motor scooters

As I alsways say if you are not breaking the law then why should you be worried, if they introduce a congestion charge I will have to pay but if it means I can park, great

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