Just want to share a friendly advise to those who intend to rent their properties long term."-( in spain long term rent is around 6 months to 13 months , with a written contract)
please think very hard....- under spanish civil law , in my experience the tenants/renter are more protected than the property owner.
always hire a professional or a lawyer for contracts....better safe than sorry.
Our apartment was new, never lived in, thru good references we rented long term,...
the issues , troubles that goes with long term rent...is not worth The amount of money you get.
i would rather have my place empty, or rented as holiday weekly rent,,,,NEVER ever long term rent again.
Our renter had good references, was a co worker of my friend, paid rent on decent times. Sometimes delayed payment. When we decided not to renew the rental after a year, as we decided to use the apartment ourselves. we could not force them to leave the apartment on time, until they can find a new home,( took another year us to wait!)
Pls be careful and think hard...(.more so if your tenants had children! )