Ok, you are finally moving to Espania and what do you do?
First on your list is looking around your UK home and deciding what you can and can't take.
Be sensible, look at the things that you can easily buy new in spain. That kettle that you have had for the last 10 years, may seem like an old friend to you, but in reality, within 6 months in Spain it will break down and be chucked out anyway,so chuck it out now and buy new.
Take with you, only things that are so sentimental that leaving them behind or chucking them in the bin, would cause so much trauma, that you would have to come back to the UK for counselling. this is not practical sling them or keep them!
Contrary to popular belief, Spain actually sells things like irons, toasters, coffee makers, hoovers, pillows, sheets, duvet sets, the list goes on.
Also, don't look around your UK garden and the tool shed and think that you just have to take that fork & spade, chances are, you will buy a wonderful vila, without an ounce of bare soil, so the fork & spade will be on sale in the local car boot sale for the next ten years!
Move to Spain with the minimum, buy local, be a part of the Spanish economy, your goods will be new, so will you!
Happy Moving!