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Has anyone joined a golf club on the Costa Blanca?
I'm interested in the annual fees to see if it will be feasible when we move.
I've been a member of the local club for 10 years and willmiss it.
Any info appreciated ta.
I cannot help you on this I am afraid, but have sent a reply as I would be interested if you get any feedback to, as my hubby is an avid player, which is one of the reasons we have bought in Costa Blanca, so that he can golf as often as possible when we come out
_______________________ Saznaz
Cheers Saznaz.
I have been told that there are societies in the area but I was hoping for club membership like we have in the U.K.
There are some Clubs where you can have membership but in reality it is often just a discounted rate of the green fee paid up front [ I think La Finca do this]
There are Clubs where you can buy a golf share [US style] whioch you can sell on if you move
Most people find that the Societies give them the best option as they also include social activities
Do some research on Google and you will find most info
Thanks Rowlandsbb.
So basically, you advise the same as everyone else?
How would I keep my LGU handicap though? I lose it if I am not a member of a club which would destroy my ability to play at many clubs who need a certificate.
I understand that you can maintain your golf handicap by being a member of a Spanish Society........may have to join the Spansh Golf Federation but the society you intend joining will have all the info
Do a Google search and you will find contact details ..I have bought in Costa Almeria near Huercal Overa and where one of the most popular is the Boxers Golf Society [ I may look to join this one if I can in due course]
Full details on or from a newspaper advert you can phone Phil Elam 0034 666 847840
I wonder if there's a forum like that covering the Costa Blanca golf clubs?
That would be interesting.
It looks as though we have to obtain an annual licence instead over there. Very odd.
I can't find out more about the licence because it's in Spanish and as yet, my knowledge is pretty basic.
Many thanks for your help. 
Hi All.
I have prices for green fees for Jumilla Golf but i fear you will not like them.
Greenfee 50 euro
3 months 1,000 euros
6 months 1,200 euros
1 year 1,800 euros
Residants get a 20% discount, do not know how this compares with other courses.
Hi Laury (& Mel)
How about if you contact one (or more!) of the golf societies who publish their doings in the back pages of the Coastrider? I can't find any contacts for them, but doubtless would pass on an initial message for you? In the meantime, I will try to find out any more info I can from Almoradi. If you're there anytime soon, pop into the Bull on Calle Mayor and speak to David - he's a keen golfer and should be able to tell you something. His e-mail is off at the moment, but I've got to ring him next week so I'll try and find out what I can.
BTW, when I was in there last week, he was selling a really nice full set of clubs and bag etc - Dunlop, I think - asking 150 euros, which I thought weren't bad as they looked virtually brand new.
Saw John last week and he said we'd only just missed you, so maybe catch you next time. Also, met Janice and Chris in the market so had a bevvy or three - you know how it is!
Anyway, hope all is well with yourselves - already looking forward to going back again next month.
See you both soon.
PS. In May I took a golf-mad visitor around a few clubs to see if he could play as a day visitor. One we went to was La Finca near Algorfa, but the day rates were quite frightening - and he's a bank manager! The only reasonably-priced 18 hole one we could find was at Quesada - nowhere near as flash as the others so consequently alot cheaper but also much busier!
Hi Steve and all Almoradians and golfers yes l heard that la finca was quite expensive, As l am staying in my apartment in Almoradi next week l think l will drop in to the bull and have a chat with David and a few drinks (has he still got the golf clubs for sale).Thanks for the information so far l will be keeping an eye on this thread and add any info if l find out anything while l am there.Regards Pat.
My husband also belongs to a golf club here but when we looked into joining a golf club in Spain it would appear to be completely different in that you pay a very large fee but still have to pay for each round.
He normally plays at Campomoar and if you look on their website it gives you the various packages you can book.
I have found an email for the Torrevieja Golf Society perhaps she might be able to help you further. I did get this out of last years copy of Costa Blanca News so apologise if it's out of date.
Hi All,
Annie 21 usually books for her husband and mine through, I think it's club murcia on internet. Have a look as they do deals in most clubs. Last time they went to La Serena just down from Los Alcazares. I'm sure Annie can give you more details I'll ask her.
Cripes Gina - nearly fell off my chair when I saw you'd posted on a golf chat - Happy Gilmour eat your heart out LOL.
Yes, it was we booked through - worked out well with reduced green fees. La Serena was a bit tough though from what the guys said - unless you're fond of water hazards & bunkers that is. Loads of them.
Hi Annie,
Don't get over excited, no I'm still Happy Gilmore, not for me. Let the men folk do it if you ask me. I did try as you know but will stick to martial arts, it's what I know. 
Laury I'm not sure where you are in the Costa Blanca (think clubmurcia is a bit far down for you?) - there is a golf society in Alicante - is that any good for you? San Miguel Golf Society home course is El Plantio.
Candyfloss - as you are a black belt I'm not going to argue with you - totally agree with everything you say!!
Coo. I have been busy..... so I just checked back and suddenly we have gone from virtually nothing to loads of replies!
Well thanks to everyone for their input. 
I think I heard La Finca wasn't cheap too but that there was another one called La Marquesa that was cheaper?
Those prices you quote are horrendous! I thought my £750 a year here was bad enough. 
I think that La marina is probably the nearest urbanised area to our new house and I understand they have a society, so it may be worth checking with them. Somehow though, a society doesn't seem the same as a club membershp but hey ho. At those prices, i may not be playing twice a week like I do here, anyway.
Hi Steve!
I have no idea why John said you'd just missed us. We haven't been out since June. Still waiting for developments on the house before we arrive. There again. Now that things seem to be on a go slow, we may have a trip out anyway. Ww intend to put this house on the market within a couple of weeks so I suppose we shouldn't really go away just yet.
Chat moved from 'Bucket' thread as it looks as if it may continue.
Laury, we have a new club which opened last week who are talking to me about membership and we have another due to open early next year. We do see good opening membership offers from some of the new clubs, but generally it's aimed at the residents as part of a purchase package. However, the new club recently opened hasn't got any of the properties built yet and they need income so I am hoping we will be considered for a deal.
By joining a society you can benefit from a numbers discount and get to play different courses but we don't particularly want that.
On the whole, booking on line prior to playing gets reasonable discounts, and I've done this independently, not as part of a holiday package but I think we would find we would be restricted to 1 game each per week at best to pay for it out of our living budget. The problem is made worse when you both play, we could afford it for one of us, but both makes it an expensive hobby, but I am prepared to get some part time work if it allows me to carry on playing.
I'll let you know how I get on.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.