The Comments |
Am currently in the process of buying a property through Iberian international,but am having a lot of problems with them anyone have any good or bad stories about this company and in the worst case scenario how to get my deposit back.
If you do a search on Iberian you will see lots of posts regarding this company. I beleive it is a part of the Atlas chain with whom others (not all) have had problems. Also search the site for details on how to get deposits back which, I'm afraid, tends to take a long time with this company.
Hi Paul and Sian, Their is a thread about about Agents if that helps at all. I can only speak as I find, ourselves and another couple on our complex used Iberian and they were very good.  But their is a few people I have met that have used Atlas which is the sister company have not been happy at all. But saying that if I was doing it all again I would probably go through a smaller agent after what I have read on these threads. About getting your deposit back I do not know how long that will take, did you get a cooling of period? Do you not like where you have bought or just changed your mind? I know it is very daunting at first.  Their will be others on here that will be able to help you. Take care Pat
I would like to say that Iberian are competitors of Atlas International, they are not run by the same person, they do not do business as one company.
I have recently bought through Atlas and found them to be the best company out there. You may want to take into account what people say on forums, but bear in mind it is usually those who have had propblems that post as a way of venting their frustration, it is very rare that people who have had the best experience will post in public forums, they generally write directly to the company. . . . . .
I would have thought that unless one has experienced several companies, one would not necessarily be in a position to say which one is 'best'.
Also as this is your virgin posting, one may be of the impression one has a vested interest in promoting said agency!
Not a cynic, really! 
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
I would ask all the people that bought TU property through Atlas and are experiencing a living hell because of them!
They might beg to differ that they are "the best out there"!
still here after all these years!
I think that it is well known that Atlas and Iberian are related in some way
But whilst I am confident, like many others, that a smaller more personal agent is the best for 'Life style ' buyers you have to accept that there have been many buyers who have had a good deal and service!!
Might sound silly to some but!!!! do not build up a large company [ and sales] without providing a service to ' quite a lot of people'
The smaller professional agents are the best [ same as UK] but not for everyone
I have had problems with Iberian and have said what i think with regard to my purchase which has been a nightmare and still ongoing the main problem that i have had is with AIB Technical who Iberian have now dropped (AIB owned by Atlas)
Jon Parker and his department at Iberian have helped so i hope the rest of Iberian can learn from him
I would not have bought from Iberian if i would have known what i know now but feel i will give credit where it is due
This credit is not down to a director of Iberian with the surname of Sawyer who i personally feel could do with some of the skills some of his staff possess.
I can only speak for myself and I'm sure Rixxy will have something to say on this, is that the smaller girls and guys are little fishes in a big pond. One of the major reason they -big boys have lots of clients is because they have huge marketing budgets, derived from their fees. Personally I prefer to be small and give good customer service don't have a high staff turnover and get referals from happy clients and can sleep at night.
Sorry had to get that off my chest
_______________________ S.J
Absolutely agree, and also I know myself its not easy to expand in Spain. The costomer service skills do come from the person themselves and to be honest after dealing with several staff, its rare to find someone who cares as much as you do as the owner. The answer is therefore to stay small in the knowledge its done correctly.
Otherwise expand at your peril!
Of course this doesnt take into consideration the dross that think they can make loads of money whilst doing nothing!!!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!