Non residents tax being rejected by bank

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29 Dec 2020 7:26 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

For years our solicitor has done our non resident's tax. A few years back, instead of taking the payments to the bank, they told us the tax notification would be filed online and the tax office would take payment direct from our bank account. The problem is that my Wife is not on the bank account, so the bank will not pay her tax. This is the 2nd year running now and we will be changing our solicitor for future, because he is extracting the urine and won't help. Shame really, as they have been quite helpful over the years. My question is, how do I now pay her last year's tax and this years that has now been refused? I obviously can't get to Spain to talk to my bank (Sabadell) and I can't talk ot my bank as they never have anyone there to answer the phone. I have asked if there is a manual way to pay the bill, but have received no response. We have the forms prepapred and submitted, just no means of it being paid and frusstration is now getting to me.


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29 Dec 2020 8:40 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message will complete the non resident tax form for €34.95 and a further €12 they will present the forms for payment.

Not cheap but cheaper than a solicitor (ours used to charge us more than the tax) and they get some good reviews on other sites.

Try contacting them and seeing what they say.


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29 Dec 2020 9:23 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

Almost the same as our solicitor charges us, for our 35€ of tax each year!  The idea of the solicitor doing it was to ensure it was done and without fuss, so much for that.

Thanks for the recommendation mariedav, I shall check them out and hopefully get a decent result!


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31 Dec 2020 4:12 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

Sod's law. I managed to get our solicitor to respond as we had already paid their fees. They provided a re- done 210 with bank details and references to use to make manual payment. I did so yesterday using the Starling app. Today? I see the taxes have been paid from the bank, you know, the ones I received messages about saying they wouldn't!!

Así es la vida, as they (may) say in Spain!

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