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I am wanting to buy a computer prior to getting the internet installed. I am in the
area of Rojales, can anyone tell me where the nearest P C CITY is, or recomend
a suitable place to buy one.
Hi formentera
When you buy your computer, make sure you ask for the software in ENGLISH
Many people I know have bought a computer in Spain and are miffed when they switch it on!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
PC City charge ridiculous prices for their products. I personally would avoid them at all costs.
If you want to have the software in English, you might want to consider ordering from Dell. If you order over the phone you can get everything you need in English.
If you decide to buy from a local guy, please make sure that you get a licenced version of Windows - make sure there is a sticker with the licence key stuck to the
computer, and that you get the installation CD in it's original packaging. So many of our customers have been caught out by that (not by us obviously)
I don't understand. Windows allows for a variety of languages. Can't you just change it anyway?
Spanish keyboards are different as well. Up to you of course, but may take some getting used to. Definitely avoid unlicensed software etc., you will not be able to get any updates, leaving yourself vulnerable to viruses etc.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi Roberto
As you say, Spanish keyboards are different as my friend found to her annoyance. She thought she'd treat her husband to a laptop when they moved to Spain. She hadn't realised It has a Spanish keyboard. Question marks are upside down for one.
Hi formentera costa.... I've sent you a PM. This message was last edited by morerosado on 10/8/2007.
PC City charge ridiculous prices for their products
As they are part of the Dixons group that owns PC world in the UK that doesn't surprise me at all
I quite like going in to the local PC World in Milton keynes and as I am in the world of Technology find it great fun listening to the crap some of the sales people come out with especially in the area of wireless they really have no clue what so ever
Tell me about it.
I was in PC City in Roquetas one day and heard an English couple asking advice about buying a CD-burner. Obviously the sales guy recommended the most expensive one - once he left them too it, I quickly ran over to the couple and advised them to buy another brand.
They will also try to sell you the own brand one as well due to the better commission
Best one i listened to was someone asking about a wireless broadband router with modem and the sales guy said this one will do and handed them a cable only one without a modem the sales guy then went away and I quickly said don't have that one its for cable only
As far as I'm concerned, you should only go to PC World/City if you know what you're looking for - and even then it's better to buy over the internet.
We went to PC World in UK and bought a laptop........................and I'd NEVER deal with them again. Too much hassle to go into, but when then dam thing broke, we bought a 'proper' computer in Spain, complete with Spanish keyboard and no problema!!!
There is no pound sign but I have a € sign!! I have a ñ and an upside down ¿ but I have a ? as well !!
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
You can borrow my £ sign, Karen. I've a € too. 
This message was last edited by morerosado on 10/9/2007.
Thanks More, but I live here so I don't need one !!
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
So how much did you pay for the PC in the UK, Karen? Now what are you going to do?!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Can't remember how much the lap top was Roberto, but when the back light went, they wanted 200 quid to sort it so that is why we bought a 'proper' computer.
Then we sold the lap top ( with a complete list of the fault ) on e bay for 105 pounds!
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 