Builder required

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12 Feb 2022 6:10 PM by dunny Star rating. 45 posts Send private message

Hi I live in los atos I'm looking for a builder to heighten 

my outside wall any one have any recommendations 

not cowboys seen to many of them 


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12 Feb 2022 10:44 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

Maybe you should ask on one of the many Torrevieja chat sites. 

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13 Feb 2022 9:06 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

Are you talking about Los Altos ..if so  join the Los Balconies Facebook group and ask...or better still  .. ask the people around you said lots of cowboy builders around and they are mostly British that are trying to earn British wages in Spain...LOL.



This message was last edited by windtalker on 2/13/2022.

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13 Feb 2022 1:03 PM by Kavanagh Star rating in Oil Drum Lane Newcas.... 1302 posts Send private message

Kavanagh´s avatar

Windy is correct, you need a local honest hard-working Spanish builder. Try asking your Spanish neighbours, town hall, or local Spanish restaurant owner. Stay away from Brit cowboys.devil

There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!

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14 Feb 2022 12:59 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Is there no trusted and monitored accreditation scheme in place for builders in Spain ( no matter which nationality) to ensure that only those who are worthy can be retained on the list? 
Wouldn't this be a solution going forward to the benefit of good builders and customers alike?

Or is this yet another failure to disincentivise malpractice via a workable regulatory structure where fines to act as disincentive could be administered by the small courts upon evidence of builder malpractice with automatic removal from any authorised and trusted accredited list?

Or would such a solution be considered unworkable in Spain due to reluctance to control malpractice which sadly appears to have become accepted as the norm? ☹️

Here we go again with suggested solutions to the benefit of innocents (regardless of nationalities) whether they be good builders or consumers alike which has the potential to limit disharmony and work together to enhance the profession as a whole and not undermine it.....



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14 Feb 2022 1:45 PM by Kavanagh Star rating in Oil Drum Lane Newcas.... 1302 posts Send private message

Kavanagh´s avatar

Hello ads

Perhaps if Spain had a fast track small claims court system where any claim up to €5,000 was dealt with within 2 months would offer more consumer protection and a deterrent to all service and goods providers.

I do not see how accredited schemes can be implemented for every activity, what next ‘’dog walkers’’? However I do take your point, how do you protect consumers from untraceable outright cowboys that only accept back pocket cash?

Some years ago I complained to the free newspapers with the classified ads about listings stating ‘’FULLY LEGAL’’. When I contacted many of these advertisers asking what ‘’fully legal’’ meant, I was told to sod off.

There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!

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