A tremendous firm that deserves recognition after getting my money back. Reliable, efficient, quick to respond to emails, and they did exactly what they said they would do. I lost all my savings on an apartment never built, with a notorious developer who eventually filed bankruptcy. CostaLuz helped me claim from the developer’s bank. Finally I was able to win my money back thanks to this firm.
I am so grateful to everybody who has been involved. Especially to María, who was involved the most, plus their staff and lawyer who helped me when I came to Malaga for the court hearing, and Keith Rule too. Maria de Castro originally offered to help me, when I had given up hope at that time. CostaLuz are a gleaming light in a world that can be unfair. I hope they can keep on helping other people in similar cases.
It really has been nearly 20 years since I paid the initial deposit on the apartment. So given the troubles and delays I’ve had since then, what CostaLuz has achieved in the last few years really feels like a miracle!