How do I upload photos to sell my property?

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29 Nov 2022 5:44 PM by Skater Star rating in Shropshire. 1 posts Send private message

I am finding the uploading of photos almost impossible.  Any clues would be gratefully received.


Many thanks.


J Step

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30 Nov 2022 4:07 PM by AidaLawyer Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

Hi Julie, 

Did you try to upload thorugh a computer? We often work with our mobiles, but some functions only work with the pc. (Hope it helps )

Best regards,

Aída Garcia Iglesias

Lawyer L.L.M. in Marbella.


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30 Nov 2022 5:33 PM by jsatephens Star rating in Uk. 1 posts Send private message

Thank you so much Aida, I haven't tried it from the mobile but I think

the system is a bit dated. I've manage to upload three photos & they

were all JPEG files.


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30 Nov 2022 5:52 PM by AidaLawyer Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

You are very welcome Julie!

Maybe (and as other alternatives) it is a problem of this website, or maybe the browser you use (try to use another one like Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox,..). In other case, try sending a message to this website (click above, in "Contact Us/FAQs)


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