The Comments |
** EDITED ** No commercial posts
After reading the various posts, relating to your company, on this website I am surprised you have the barefaced cheek to advertise here.
After Justin has removed your post, type 'Atlas' in the search facility. The comments there should make you squirm with embarrassment.
Though I very much doubt that they will.
Well said Sandra,you make us all proud.
Hi Sandra,
Just to address your post. We are genuinely here to respond to questions about helping peoples search for property abroad. There are many things that can confuse issues while going about their search and so we hoped this would be a great start.
There are obviously clients with a history which we will always try to help and aid through a difficult time. Most of the issues that seem to be raised are very specific and quite old queries. I hope that they can get resolved soon.
If anyone wants help in their search they must let us know, however trivial the matter. We are not here to advertise.
Hi Justin,
Sorry you feel that way, in future i will check any responses and posts very carefully. It was only meant as an introduction to our company with a bit of background knowledge. We hope to be a regular here and provide help to anyone whom needs.
First of all - EOS - not to obvious that you work for a propetry company!
Secondly - This is a website where people voice their own opinions and experience. This is a website where people can and want to be heard.
I bought a property through Atlas International a little over a year ago and yes I did experience some issues. Wherever you live in the world - did you buy your property without any issues what so ever? Buying a property abroad is the same as buying a property within your own country - there are always issues! And also no-one there to help. At least I had someone to contact in the first place rather than feeling alone with it all!
As for them advertising on this site - like me and you - they are welcome to their say! Dont you think that its about time that we talk to them directly rather than being cowards and deleting what they have to say - pathetic!!!
And also - Sandra - you seem very bitter - i think that you need to start smoking again!!!!
This message was last edited by SScotty on 10/15/2007.
I find myself getting quite cross reading your posts.In my opinion any "problems" and "difficult times" are more often than not caused by companies like yourselves.Having been there and done that and know people who are in the process now, you would be the last people i would ask for advice.
I think that you are very harsh! You always say the same - have you bought a property abroad? If you dont like what you see - dont visit this site. It is for people that want to be heard - not critised!!!
This message was last edited by SScotty on 10/15/2007.
If you experienced the problems we did you would be harse too.Yes i have bought property abroad and i find the eye on spain sight VERY helpful.
And who did you purchase this property though and how long ago???
And you want to know WHY.Sorry too late for advice,we had to get through any problems and difficult times all by ourselves as no advice was offered to us then.
I dont want to offer advice - i dont have any to be honest. I just think that you are being a grumpy old man who wants a moan.
I have my property in Spain and I'm happy thank you.
I am far from old and i now have my properties in spain and i live here VERY happily.
Justin,very sorry for lowering the tone of your brill website.
Ok well i hope that you continue to enjoy them now and that you continue to live happily.
Sorry to lower the tone - I just think that you need to look at things from other angles from time-to-time
Atlas & Sscotty,
I am sure you are well aware that stooping to personal insults on this web-site will lead to the moderator and owner of the site, Justin, deleting the whole thread.
Which will work magnificently for you by drawing peoples attention away from the abysmal service and even worse customer relations that apparently exist when buying through Atlas.
But before you go please read the following message which details what a purchaser of property from Atlas can expect to experience.
I also suggest that you stop digging yourselves an even BIGGER HOLE by not replying to this post.
I thank you, GOODBYE!!
09 Aug 2007 11:13 AM

I've made 61 posts
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Copy of another disgruntled Atlas customer's letter in this week's Coastrider.
Copy of letter to Snr. Marco Locatelli, Client Service Manager, Altas
International Re: Article by R Griffin
Dear Sir,
I read with interest your remarks regarding your efforts for your clients regarding total completion, i.e. all necessary documents, together with your recommended solicitors Aroca Seiquer. In our urbanisation “Colinas de la Pinada”, Orihuela Costa, 10 of the 15 properties were purchased through your company Aroca and Tecnologica.
Up to date as I understand it 13 properties have the “Escretura – Deeds”.
Two properties nos. 2 and 13 have had the land re-mortgaged by the builder.
The 13 properties have not received their “Certificado of Habitation” despite having paid in full to your company, Aroca and Tecnologica. As a result we have not paid a Suma nor do we have a name on our road, nor do we receive post, this despite having lived in my property for 4 ½ years. I challenge you to live up to your boasts regarding your after sales service to your fully paid up clients, and obtain full completion for •Colinas de la Pinada”, that is ensuring the properties have been properly registered, the issue of the “Certificado of Habitation”, then we can register for the Suma, have a street/road name sign, have post delivered to our post boxes, live a normal life, just like your representatives promised us six years ago when they sold us the properties.
Atlas, Aroca and Tecnologica have all been paid in full, you have all failed badly in your responsibility to your fully paid up clients. I and my neighbours look forward to you sorting out the problems raised and not ignoring the issues as you have done in the past.
Yours in anticipation
E. Critchley (Presidente – “Colinas de la Pinada”
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This message was last edited by sandra on 10/15/2007.
come on Atlas,we are waiting with baited breath for your reply to that letter......................................
still here after all these years!
If you can e-mail me any more details of this particular case then i can have a look into it for you with the Client Service Centre. Please e-mail me at for the attention of Grant. If I can help in this situation I will.
"First of all - EOS - not to obvious that you work for a propetry company!"
SScotty I really don't know where you're coming from! I don't remember anybody paying me any wages these days!! I work for myself and no one else.
The only people that pay me are those that choose to advertise on my websites. As the advertising is what funds this facility, blantant forum advertising such as what Grant did is just not allowed. If everyone went for the free advertising we'd soon be shutting this website down as we wouldn't be able to afford to keep it going.
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Dear Atlas,
If e-mails get looked at and sorted, why are mine now being ignored? Yes, I have a property on Bosque de las Lomas II bought through Atlas and built by Technologia Urbanistica. No deeds after over 4 years. First couple of e-mails to Atlas gave the response "we are looking into it". Since I realised the extent of the problem earlier this year, my other e-mails have been ignored. Many of us bought properties in this area. How come only those who bought through Atlas are still awaiting the deeds? And I was told by Atlas, at the notary, I was signing the deeds which was a blatant out and out lie. I was simply signing power of attorney to the solicitors to sign the deeds, not the deeds themselves. You may class this as "an old problem" but it is ongoing. I am unable to offer my property for sale until I get these deeds. I want to sell to buy a different place to retire to which is going to have to be put on hold until this "old" problem is sorted out.
I am afraid that I, along with many other in the area, would not touch Atlas with a bargepole in future due to the absolute lack of service received. And I am one of those who have written to the Trading Standards in Dorking to get this investigated.
We put our faith in the "good" name of your company. We have been, sadly, let down all along the line and your good name is now worth diddly squat.
For those whose purchases went well, congratulations. You were obviously very lucky. Don't criticise the thousands of us for whom it all went wrong. The only good news is that I have learned a few lessons from this:
1. Use an independent solicitor
2. Get everything translated and don't rely on the agent or developer
3. Take everything said with the a pinch of salt as big as the hills next to the lagoons
4. Lastly, and sadly, don't buy through Atlas.