The Comments |
Dear Father Christmas (or Justin whoever reads first)
I would like in my stocking this year, well the forum anyway .
Is there a chance that a post can be previewed before posting? There are many times when something just doesn't look right, but you can't tell until it is posted. You then have to go to the bother of editing which leaves that nasty tag at the bottom. Being able to preview would help to position items within the post.
Also, can we have some way of quoting a previous post or part of one? It can be awkward to copy/ paste the text and attribute it to someone whilst trying to keep the response in context.
Thank you
Mark, I think maybe Santa will read it first. (Sorry Justin but Mark asked this about preview before & I did too, before him). It is annoying that we cannot have previews with the "edited by marksfish/morerosado/others on xyz date" only coming into its own after others have responded, as on other forums.
As Mark said, a post looks better with careful positioning of pics/text &, when we initially post, it often looks different to what then is posted. I'm forever returning & editing. For instance, I hate to see what seems to be bad spelling just because my fingers slipped on keyboard & I missed noticing it before posting.

I am going to risk playing devils advocate here .
I realise that Justin probably didn't want EOS to be "just any old forum", but the off the shelf packages (such as YaBB &PHPBB) have everything you need and are very customisable to any site. I admire the fact Justin wants to develop his own coding to make the site individual, but time constraints mean many things get put on the back burner for a while. I am sure a MYSQL database could be easliy imported to one of these forum packages and it would mean a lot less work for Justin to have to worry about?
Didn't mean to offend anyone, but thought I would ask the question.
EOS isn't just any old forum, Mark. It's got you & me. 
Hi Everyone, Santa here!
Not really, only me.....
The preview function is on the to do list. I push it up the order a bit...
I did look into all the off-the-shelf forum solutions originally but it was impossible to integrate them into our original development forum database. Remember, we have over 4,000 development forums on the site and trying to integrate something such as PHPBB with the original posts was very complicated.
The ONLY solution was really to develop a bespoke facility, even if it has been a huge headache!
But, I've got some really interesting ideas which will come online over the next few months which would only be possible with a bespoke facility such as this one.
Anyway, must get back to bed now. I'm on bed rest. I was in London all last week and on my return managed to twist my back and I'm sort of leaning over at 45º at the moment. Very painful.
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On no, poor Justin. I know how you feel as I twisted my back whilst in Spain last trip & was walking with my left hip stuck out & I was in agony. It was three days before we flew home so I was almost having panics. However, with the Arnica gel I kept massaging over my lower back & my wonderful Neo magnets taped either side of my spine, I made it onto the flight home. Hope you feel loads better soon. Best not to ask how you twisted YOUR back. All I did was bend, obviously awkwardly, to put my slippers on, TRULY. (Sorry if you don't believe me !)

Didn't realise there were so many development forums Justin. A list on PHPBB would take forever to load!!
At least I know now why our forum is unique .
I've sent you a P.M. It should help cure your
Justin, are we any nearer having preview posts seeing as if we want to edit we need to do it immediately in case other members post straight after us ?
You did say this in this thread 12 Dec 2007 6:03 PM
Hi Everyone, Santa here!
The preview function is on the to do list. I push it up the order a bit...