Sat Nav in Spain

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15 Dec 2007 12:00 AM by san miguel Star rating. 288 posts Send private message

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This message was last edited by san miguel on 2/4/2008.




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15 Dec 2007 10:09 PM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 posts Send private message

nfm2862´s avatar

That's good to hear. We have just bought one & plan to use next week when we are in Spain.

However, I have to say that we have managed very well so far with the maps from the car rental companies & the very well sign posted roads in spain.


This message was last edited by nfm2862 on 12/15/2007.


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16 Dec 2007 8:34 AM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

My Tom Tom has Europe maps that are a few years old, but have used them fine in Spain before and more recently in Italy.

I intend to make a folder in the map section to put places of interest, such as good restaurants, cash machines, aqua park, golf courses, etc. It is then a good little item to offer your guests if you rent out the property to help them find activities and the like.


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16 Dec 2007 4:28 PM by san miguel Star rating. 288 posts Send private message

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This message was last edited by san miguel on 2/4/2008.




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17 Dec 2007 6:35 PM by AuntieEm Star rating in Scarborough. 287 posts Send private message

AuntieEm´s avatar

we used the TomTom in Spain recently too ... mostly  no problems and a HUGE improvement on my navigation skills!

We found in a few places that road changes had not been included and for some reason it seemed to think that half of Quesada was still a field and we were driving around it!  But its ok cos you just head for a road it recognises and you are off again.  What a sense of freedom knowing that wherever you wandered off to you could always get home.  I would recommend the TomTom to all.



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17 Dec 2007 8:22 PM by pooley-santos Star rating in London UK/Huercal Ov.... 57 posts Send private message

If you haven't already done so its worthwhile logging on to the Tom Tom site and up loading the downloads or should that be down loading the up loads anyway one of the three! But I agree, I have the 700 soon to be upgraded to the 720 and worth its wait in gold!

Pooley & Santos -Builder/ Delelopers - Plant Hire - Swimming Pools -...

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19 Dec 2007 9:21 PM by conrad Star rating in Milton Keynes and Dr.... 298 posts Send private message

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I have the 720 when you get it log on straight away and it will update the maps to the latest ones as with the 720 you get a latest map guarantee you also get all the speed cameras for europe as well

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24 Dec 2007 5:51 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

OK, so not quite driving in Spain, nor Satnav.  I just thought I'd share this one with you.

There I was, Saturday December 22nd, driving down to visit grandparents and grandkids just before Christmas.  Very busy roads, lots of icy fog patches, traffic still bombing along at over the 70MPH limit.  Came to the end of the M6 just before Birmingham where it has the M6 toll on the right hand lanes, M6 North on the middle two lanes and the M42 on the inside lanes.  All of a sudden, traffic starts veering into the outside and inside lanes.  One car in the middle lane doing about 30 MPH and veering across the lane markings on either side.  I pulled into the inside lane for the M42 and went up the inside.  There was a girl (well, about 25 ish) with a map spread out over the steering wheel reading it !!!

Hope she got where she wanted to go.

Merry Christmas, everybody.......


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