The Comments |
Just a quickie before bed...
Any one had experience of travelling with BA from Gatwick to Malaga? or BA to anywhere in Europe?
I have a question which BA dont seem able to answer. When travelling economy you are limited to one piece of hold baggage.
What happens if I front up at check in with two cases whereby the total weight comes in at under 23 Kgms? It looks as if the second case is treated as excess baggage. If this is the case the second case will be charged at a whopping £30.
Anyone know the answer... please...
Passenger |
Free checked allowance |
Adults and children
aged 2 years and over |
FIRST and Club World– 3 Bags
Club Europe and World Traveller Plus- 2 Bags
World Traveller and Euro Traveller – 1 Bag
Maximum dimensions per bag (H+W+L): 158cm (62in)
Maximum weight per bag: 23kg (51lbs)* |
Excess baggage
- Any items over your free checked allowance will be charged as excess baggage.
- Where applicable, we recommend that you pre-pay online for your excess baggage before check in, using Manage My Booking
- You can receive a discount on airport charges by pre-paying online.
- You can also pay for excess baggage at the airport.
- Please make sure you arrive at check in at least 20 minutes earlier than the recommended check in time when travelling with excess baggage.
- All items must fit within the dimensions of (H+W+L): 158cm (62in).
- We will not accept any items exceeding 32kgs with the following exceptions: Musical instruments, TV news cameras and commercial spares. If the item weighs between 32kg and 45kg and cannot be broken down to smaller items, it will be treated as two pieces of checked baggage. If you are travelling with any of these items, please notify us at the time of booking, or at a minimum of 24 hours before departure.
Please note: Checked baggage allowances on codeshare, oneworld and alliance partners may differ. Charges may apply.
Excess baggage rates
All baggage in excess of free checked baggage allowances is charged at a fixed fee depending on the length of the journey.
Customers on most routes can pre-pay online for their excess baggage and receive a discount on airport charges.The pre-pay facility can be accessed through Manage My Booking. Pre-pay is not available on certain routes, and some credit cards cannot be used as payment methods.
To qualify for the discount, Pre-pay must be completed before check in, including before completing Online check-in.
Excess baggage charges
Longhaul |
Shorthaul |
UK Domestic |
£75 per bag or £60 per bag if paid online (includes 20% discount) |
£30 per bag or £24 per bag if paid online (includes 20% discount) |
£20 per bag or £16 per bag if paid online (includes 20% discount) |
What happens if I front up at check in with two cases whereby the total weight comes in at under 23 Kgms?
Think the answer is DON'T !!
This message was last edited by morerosado on 1/29/2008.
When BA first stated to explain about the changes to baggage allowances they said that if there was a medical reason why a passenger needed to divide their luggage allowance between two bags, arrangements would be made to waiver the fee.
Other than that if you wanted to take another case then you would have to pay the required fee, all airlines seem to be doing this now.
Ok thanks for this.
I must say though that it seems to be a bit self defeating in that the baggage handlers, whilst they dont have so many bags to shift have much heavier bags as a result. I know I'd rather lug two 10Kgm cases than one 20Kgm case any day!
My wife went back to the UK using the Monarch Malaga-Gatwick service, two medium sized hold bags each charged at Monarchs standard pre-booked on-line rate, total weight 21Kgms cost 11.98 euros as I recall.
For various reasons, mainly cost, she is using British Airways for the return trip. Because of the different standards she is only allowed one bag 'free'; if she chooses to use the second case she must pay £30 at check-in or £24 online even though the total weight comes in at under.21Kgms.
Our solution... leave the decent original suitcases in England, buy an el cheapo large suitcase from Argos or QS and load it up to the limit...
Sorry Mr/Ms Baggage handler but we didnt make the rules....just watch your back...!
I agree it is annoying, I listened to all the reports on the radio when this was first announced as I thought they were talking about transatlantic flights. I regularly go to Florida normally with Virgin but if BA changed their Baggage rules then Virgin would follow.
The one thing that annoys me is that sometimes I might want to bring out an extra bag one way only but when booking you have to pay for the return journey as well.
Only way around it is to book each flight separately but very time consuming.
I fly normally with Easyjet and I make full use of the weight free hand luggage. Still haven't managed to find a wheeled case which matches the allowed measurements for carryon but I'm sure there's one around somewhere. Everything else, especially toilettries over 100ml's I put it either a case or holdall depending what I'm bringing over this trip.
Judging by the size of the luggage being put in the overhead lockers on my last trip, I don't think many people bother with these measurements especially those who use on line check-in.
I agree that the one bag rule is stupid and would prefer two with the weight more equally distributed - especially for getting in and of cars a dn those areas where lifts etc are not working. Almost as silly as the no liquid rule.
Did anyone hear this that Heathrow don't want smaller (domestic) planes as the passengers do not spend as much in the shops as long haul. I've long suspected that the no liquids rule is so that they can con us into buying their overpriced water and soft drinks.
Diverting slightly from the original thread. Could someone please tell me what the Easyjet Gatwick to Malaga service is like? We're braving it for the first time in March. We had such an awful wait at Malaga earlier this month for the baggage - total chaos as the indicator boards were not working but no-one was telling anyone anything - we've decided that we're not taking any hold baggage this trip.
We've flown with Ryanair (to Oslo) and it wasn't a very pleasant experience. But for the cost we thought we'd risk Easyjet. Just a bit nervous especially having seen the 'Airline' programme on Sky where the staff are SO RUDE!
Done Squeasy, Queezyjet Gatwick-Malaga once each way... never again! The scenes at the boarding gates have to be experienced to be believed... sort of England V France Rugby Scrimmage supervised by Woolworth's Saturday Girl rejects...
The free for all both at the gate and on the aircraft brings out the absolute worst in the travelling public...
Sonia... Best of luck... Monarch best of all (in spite of their removal of the Granada-Gatwick service (R.I.P.), Britsh Airways second (although this is a service operated by GB Airways who have now been taken over by Squeezyjet).
Dont believe all the hype about Easyjet being the cheapest...they are not, not by a long chalk. They are simply operating a long distance bus service and basically once you've signed up and bought your non-refundable ticket they couldn't give a rats ass...
Just as I feared then. I refuse to pay their extra 'speedy boarding' as I think it's a con especially when at Malaga you're likely to be bussed to the plane and it doesn't count. OH and I don't acually mind if we're not sitting together but I agree with your comparisons - brilliant.
However I once had the misfortune to have to change Royal Air Maroc planes at Casablanca and that was a scrum. The crew even abandoned the allocated seat system as it was so chaotic.
I suppose London commuting makes you more immune to the herd/scrum mentality. Everyman, woman and child for themselves!!
whoops... This message was last edited by morerosado on 1/31/2008.
I regularly use Easyjet and always check in early as I like to leave plenty of time just in case there should be a problem getting to the airport.
There's always a queue of people around the gate but boarding is strictly adhered to.
First called are Speedy Boarders and then people with children and those needing assistance. Then it goes in groups a through to d. If you only have hand luggage and use on-line checkin then you are given group a. I'm normally given an a boarding card but sometimes I get a b.
I think a lot of people complained about the buses and speedy boarding because they now have a separate seating area at the front of the bus and the doors remain closed until they have all got of the bus and are going up the stairs.
The only gripe I've got is that everyone rushes to get on the plane because they want to sit at the front and be first off. Once on the plane they then stand in the aisle dithering whilst they organise what needs to go up top in the locker.
The joys of being a frequent travellor.
Oh dear! I've booked with Easyjet for the first time have I made a mistake? We normally go with jet2 from Leeds to Murcia (San Javier) but didn't fancy the late night flights at this time of year so will fly into Alicante from East Midlands when we go in March. We did the same trip with BMIbaby earlier this month but booked seats (which I normally do). Only problem with Jet2 is the size of hand luggage; still searching for something that is 46cms long - had no success so far. Since our apartment is now well set up & we shall no longer have to bring anything from home, we should be able to manage with hand luggage - I hope.
Let's hope the budget doesn't target travel as a way of getting more taxes. 
Hope the sun is still shining in Spain, not looking forward to the snow that is forecast for the weekend.
We have flown (is that a real word ) with Easyjet quite a few times this year (International jetsetters that we are now ) and they are our first choice to Almeria. We always book the speedy boarding as we are both quite tall and like the extra legroom seats.
Yes it can be a scrum, yes the refreshments are horrible and extortionate but when you pay £168 for 2 tickets just before Christmas ,£110 for 2 for Feb half term and £170 odd for 2 for 2 weeks in the summer, can you really complain?
I think Easyjet should discontinue the "Airline" programme as although it is "free advertising" it also gives the wrong impression. So far we have not come across a rude member of staff.
For those of you looking for a case that "fits" the requirements - we bought 2 small wheelie suitcases in BHS which are actually just under the allowed dimensions. With Easyjet you don't have to worry about the weight of your hand luggage as someone else said. So we have travelled for a few days stay with hand luggage only.
Hope this puts your mind at rest. Have a good trip when you go.
Is someone going to tell me off for not keeping to the point of the thread? - it weren't me who deviated - honest!!This message was last edited by nfm2862 on 1/30/2008.
 Hi Eileen, I can only speak for us but we always use easyjet and have never had any problems, we have nearly always arrived at Alicante earlier than said and back at Luton  but we do have to wait a while at Luton for luggage. Coming back from Alicante last December the plane was half empty which was great hand luggage we could put on spare seat .  We have never had trouble getting seats and have always sat together.  Hope I am not tempting fate here. Hope that helps. Pat
We always fly Easyjet. We have never experienced problems. (Maybe we were lucky, I don't know). This message was last edited by morerosado on 1/31/2008.
Eilben - Hope you're reassured now, some good advice here, get your wheelie bags from BHS and away you go. Just watch your liquids if taking any.
Take something with you to eat on the plane and get a drink once you're airside. They do sell drink on board but only in minute sizes and I get really thirsty when flying and also It take about 1 1/2 hours from landing until I arrive at my house.
Easyjet is a good airline and just remember to use on-line check in and allow plenty of time to get through security.
You'll be fine, I've been usng them for 4 years now and I also thing the programme does them a disservice.
To get back to British Airways a friend booked them to fly her and her family to Western Australia, they turned up in good time for check-in only to find that they had given their seats to someone else. They had to fly via Brisbane and with a young baby. And that's a good airline!
I bought some luggage to use in the cabin from Argos. They are made to fit the requirements of the airlines and are only £7ea!!
hi Eileen
Yes, we use easyjet. Had no problems so far (touch wood). My only gripe is as was mentioned earlier, is that when they call speedy board everyone heads for the gate. Are these people stupid ????? We soon sussed that we had to go to the front of the queue to speedy board as in Bristol they don't really make it clear what you are supposed to do and we joined a large queue before we realised. Murcia airport, however is on the ball and they normally keep shouting for speedy board passengers. I didn't particularly like the looks and comments from the others when we had to fight our way to the front but now I just put on dark glasses and ignore them!!!! I paid for it at the end of the day so don't know what their beef is. BMI baby now goes from Cardiff and you can pre book your seats for an extra charge which is good when the kids are with us as we can sit together and don't need to check in so early. Depends what you want really. We have booked with easy jet for April only because it was cheaper than BMI for the dates we wanted and Bristol is only an hours drive for us so not a problem. Also I think they have got the buses organised now I noticed after the last trip with them but if not I stay close to the door and don't "MOVE ALONG THE BUS" LOL.
Thanks everyone for your advice, feel much better about Easijet now. I wasn't looking forward to a scrum as we always book seats. We did find BMI very good, only problem is that the flight is 9.30am & though we don't mind an early start ,with the M1 problems from junction 30 south we dare not risk getting stuck in traffic. We booked a night at a hotel when we went in January which took care of car parking & had a good breakfast before leaving, so were quite happy. Problem with East Midlands airport is that flights only go to Alicante, we'd rather go to Murcia, hence we generally use Leeds. The advantage of Jet2 is being able to book in on-line, even with hold luggage, so we can leave home later.
Gina, we come back on Good Friday so do we miss you again?
Take a walking stick, ask for assisted boarding.
On another forum people are complaining about Jet2 and their new policies. Fuel surcharges are now being added and also using a credit card you pay £2 per person per flight, so for 2 adults & 2 children booking a return flight it's an extra £16, paying by debit card is £1 - £8. Absolutely outragous.
With Easyjet if you book more that one return flight you only pay one fee which I think is £1.
Unless it's changed recently, I haven't booked a flight since July when they first came out.