Gas or Electric? What's wrong with the good old charcoal ones? If your'e going to burn your food anyway, you might as well go the whole hog and have tons of little black bits all over it. Far preferable taste to some of the chorizos you get!
Seriously, we have one of those big George Foreman electric grills and they are great for BBQ. Tends to flatten the sausages a bit and the fish comes out a bit dry but not too bad. Also have a gas BBQ but is rusting away in my garage as the 2 days you can use it in UK doesn't pay for itself. When it is used, it gives more of a BBQ flavour to the food than the electric one as you can get that false spray for putting on the stones that flavours the smoke (hickory, rose, etc.)
Carrefour has a good selection of all types of BBQ but there are loads of shops which sell the brick built type BBQ. Also the Brico House has a good range of gas as well as traditional BBQ. And, anyway, isn't it more fun annoying your neighbours by having little specks of soot flying all over their clean washing? Invite them around for the BBQ and they daren't complain about it.