Quantum Villas - Anyone heard of them ?

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19 Nov 2008 4:19 PM by starkk Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

Hi Brian,

Thanks for the info, it is a great help. At least I know now that what the developer said about the new Pulpi bypass is true! I did find them to be very honest with nothing to hide and I like to think Im a good judge of character. We did have a good, long look around Huercal Overa and we thought it a lovely town. We have been to other towns nearby and they are not Spanish enough for our liking but Huercal definately hits the spot!

Keep in touch and I will post again with more news when I have it.

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29 Jan 2009 4:53 PM by hammy26 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

I have spoken to the owner of the company and he seams to  deliver his what he says . I was in El Saltador last week on my way to Pulpi and stopped and had a look at his construction and they looked to me to be well build...

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23 Apr 2009 7:55 AM by Jools9999 Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Hi, Quantum seem like a really good company and we have actually bought one of their villas which they are trying to re-sell for us as we can no longer afford to complete the sale (redundancy I'm afraid).  They've been really understanding and are helping as much as they can and they do seem well built.  If anyone is interested in buying on this development, please contact me for details.

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23 Apr 2009 10:44 AM by Redjoemw Star rating in Huercal Overa .... 49 posts Send private message

Redjoemw´s avatar

Hi guys we visited the site last week and things are progressing very fast ....... the roads are due to be laid this week.

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23 Apr 2009 11:56 AM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

Guys! Its great to hear a happy story with regards to developers for a change. I hope you will all be very happy in your new homes


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!


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04 May 2010 2:02 PM by beqster Star rating in London. 3 posts Send private message

beqster´s avatar

My mum actually lives in a Quantum Villa in El Saltador... we visited last week... it is amazing!!! The great news is, the community is small, the local Spaniards embrace their new neighbours... one brought my mum a huge basket of oranges and another invited them all over for Paella. Whilst we were there it was All Saints Day, and we went to the celebrations... brilliant!  My mum's villa is called Garrucha, and can be seen on the front page of the website and under the link to villas.

quantumvillas com

The owner of the company is called Manuel, he is really friendly, cares about the people buying from him and helps to organise everything... we can't praise Quantum Villas enough!!!

If you would like HER personal opinion, email her on maureenbecque@hotmail com and tell her you saw this message on "Eye on Spain". Good luck with your search.

Paul Becque www.paulbecque.com www.baloani.com

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04 May 2010 2:21 PM by Redjoemw Star rating in Huercal Overa .... 49 posts Send private message

Redjoemw´s avatar

Hi Paul .. glad to see you and your wife got home !!!  Great message ... way to go !!!

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05 May 2010 4:09 AM by beqster Star rating in London. 3 posts Send private message

beqster´s avatar

Thank you... it took 3 days... a train, bus, metro, coach, ferry, train, tube and bus... but we made it safely, and kept our cool! Are you settling in nicely?

Paul Becque www.paulbecque.com www.baloani.com

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