The Comments |
Is there anybody out there, who like me bought into the country club in July 2005, and Have you tried to take any action in terms of getting your money back from Humo. I am at the stage now, where I can't see any Progess and I feel that they (Humo) are in Breach of Contract. I have been very Patient and feel that the time is right to take action, through my Solicitors Aldea, Regards, Billy.
The local plan which included ACC was not approved in february 08 but sent back to the local council by the Junta for revision
So ACC will not re start for some least a year or so I expect
Huma are giving buyers a number of options and of course if you have a Bank Guarantee then you will be able to get your money back through it
There is a seperate forum for ACC on EOS,,see off plan forums
I did not have a bank guarantee and have recently taken one of the options which was to transfer to a similar property at the sane price for ACC on a new development 'by an associated company Huma Indalo 'called Oasis Tabernas Country Club
You should get in touch with your agent or lawyer, or even Huma direct, to sort out your options as just for now ACC is history
Thanks Rowlandsbb,
That has reasurred me, as we have been waiting patiently for our property on ACC since we put our deposit down in July 2005 and we are a bit browned off.
We paid our money through our bank, through a company called 'Currencys direct' and have the reciepts to confirm this, so in reality is the above a bank gaurantee?
Thanks again and i hope it works out for yourself.
To: Oneforest
No! No! No! No! No!......A thousand times NO!....No it will not be up and running in the next year....No I have not got my money back...No....Aldea, my lawyers were of no help, and in fact I believe they lied to me when I bought the property....It is only lately I am getting answers out of them....Now that the sh** has hit the fan...They still refuse to answer me as to how they forwarded my money to the builder after the premises was closed down by the Government. ...They say...'We were not told about it by the builder until the closure came'...I ask you did you ever hear such crap in all your this happened in the UK..They'd all be behind bars, for a long time. If it happened in 'You know where', one could always rely on 'You know who', to do 'You know what' to take good care of the situation..... ...[No smiley for bang bang!. shot in the back of the head, and left on a bog road, on the border of you know where, for the security forces to find ] .........And as for the selling agent parador....Well enough said about them.. .
If there was any decency among them, they would have given us another venue, and have us upgraded, but they have all cleared off. I would advise you to get a UK based lawyer to take the builder and the banker to court....PS: A certain person is flogging the ACC sister building site....Oasis Tabernas....Stay away from it...They have no bank guarantees. Take it for granted.....ACC is dead and was dead in the water 6 months before the closure....The builder and others knew it as it was Public knowledge in the media. And still they sold it as 'Coming Soon'.
Well said Les, The Almanzora affair has been a complete nightmare. I have managed after a lot of hassle and more expense, to get half of my money back, and lost the other, at the present time ?? (03,11,09)
Aldea, and the builder, Huma are complete parasites, and Parador are not far behind. These people should be ashamed of what distress, they have caused to honest hard working people who thought they could follow their dream with a holiday home in Spain. As for any further vacations, Spain will never benefit from me or my family visiting again, EVER!! It has left a very bitter taste in the mouth!!
This is of interest to those who have lost their deposits with Huma.
There is a group action being taken against them on a no win no fee arrangement. The leaders of this group have been very successful with other small group actions against developers, banks etc.. There has to be a limited number in the group. The absence of bank guarantees is not a problem. If you would like to learn more please PM me.
This is not a scam or another waste of time and money. You will see from my previous postings that I am fighting to get our money back for everyone.
With no win no fee what have you got to lose?