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Hi .... need advice xx
What is the best way to travel with cats ?
Are there special carriers for the car or should you let them be loose ?
I would definately not let them loose in the car whilst travelling. They could spook and cause you the driver to lose concentration etc. You need to get a cage for them to travel in,with enough room to allow them to stretch now and then.
I made ours a cage to travel in with room for litter tray and twin level seating so ours can decide whether to view from the top or hide away underneath. Its quite big but our cat travels well in it all the way down from the Uk to Costa Blanca.
Cages are available from most pet places in a variety of sizes, and the vet will advise you when you are getting passports sorted.
I flew my cats over from Malaga to Gatwick as it seemed the quickest way to minimise their pain! Monarch and BA operate "pet flights" where they are taken from you at the airport to a veterinary centre and you don't see them again until you arrive in Spain.
It's worth going on to the BA website to see what the statutory sizes are for cat carriers. As long as anything you buy is IATA approved the cats can travel in them. I purchased some manufactured by a company called Ferplast (which you can either purchase or order from a good UK pet shop) and they are very sturdy with locking catches and very strong gates.
_______________________ Feature writer for Spanish Airport Guide, Malaga Airport Guide & a g...
Decided against my entry. This message was last edited by morerosado on 4/28/2008.
two of my neighbours brought cats with them from the UK and paid a fortune to do so,one ran off to live with the ferral cats in the pine woods and the other was last seen heading north........
still here after all these years!
Don't be horrid Georgia! Roofrack indeed...
Of course you would have to keep the cats indoors until they were totally at home with their surroundings and, to be honest, with the number of feral cats in Spain I'd be tempted (in fact I did) to keep my cats within the confines of the terrace or balcony.
i wasn't being horrid,i would tie them down first..............
give me some credit ........
still here after all these years!
"with the number of feral cats in Spain I'd be tempted (in fact I did) to keep my cats within the confines of the terrace or balcony."
Seriously, this is very sound advice, since FIV is rife here and infections are easily picked up by pets mixing with strays. I recently spoke to a vet from Uruaguay who moved to Spain with his two cats, and let them out as they were accustomed to roaming freely. Apparently FIV does not exist in S.America. Within months, both his cats were infected and died. And he's a VET.
I've heard catnip is good for helping cats deal with new surroundings and settling in.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Where and how do you get pet passports from?
I have two cats and am planning on taking them to spain with me when i go.
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"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Thank you very much i will get on to that
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We got both our pet passports from our vet, the whole process took about 2 months. The rabies vacine are valid for 3 years whilst in UK but vet said to jab cats each year when we move to Spain x
They also need to be microchipped. This is the only other requirement for entry into Spain other than the rabies vaccination. The vet will then issue the pet passport.
Make the most of today. It has taken all your life to get her...
If you ever plan to return to the UK with the cat(s), the rabies jab must be still valid, and as Redjoemw said, you must get a booster every year. (And not a day over a year, or you will have to go through the whole process of blood tests etc. again)
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain