Hi Shaggi
Hopefully, the situation you describe will have calmed down by now. Firstly could I say (please correct me anyone out there if I am wrong) but the police in Spain, as bad as they are painted by some, would never come out and shoot a domestic pet for barking whoever asked them to!
As President of an urbanisation of over 100 dwellings on the Costa Blanca I do have a little (learning everyday I am pleased to say) knowledge of how to run a Community the law about this is covered in the Horizontal Land Law (H.L. L.) which you can access by typing it in on the search facility or looking under Running a Community on this excellent site.
Only main meetings such as an Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) or an Emergency General Meeting (E.G.M.) both needing a calling to attend, an agenda and the taking of minutes need to be reported in the form of minutes. Saying that however, any meetings of the Committee on our Urbanisation has the agenda and minutes displayed on the notice board on our website, but this is a matter of courtesy to our owners and not required under the law.
As for contracts usually, and I say usually, as again I do not think this is covered under the H. L. L. (again I stand corrected if I am wrong) this is an area covered at the A.G.M. or E.G.M. It may be the case as it has been here that there is a problem getting one written tender let alone three! Sometimes the President has to just take what is on offer on behalf on the rest of the owners to stop the urbanisation falling into disrepair. However, at all times (and this is within the Law) all payments out and accounts in general have to be made available to ALL owners at all times (within reason of course).
We always put our contracts out to tender and sometimes get more than one tender back, these are always sent out on the written agenda before the A.G.M. and all owners vote on them either by person or by proxy. Saying this we have a new problem with our drains, three months after our A.G.M. and on discussion I am willing to offer a contract to a drainage firm to cover us over the next nine months without the owners say so as it makes economic sense to do say. What I am trying to say is that every Urbanisation is different and decsions sometimes have to be made that may not suit everyone.
Lastly, I am afraid the President was right in that Community issues budgets and meetings have nothing to do with a tenant. Sorry but this is the law. Nothwithstanding this statement, tenants are a vital part of our urbanisation and we gladly invite them to meetings although they are not allowed to vote. We feel that by involving them it makes them belong! Maybe your friend´s President may like to think along these lines. Hope this helps.