¿Quien es deniseatnycs?

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Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... Moved to Spain (Villamartin area) in 2004 from wet and windy Scarborough North Yorkshire and we love it

Vivo en... Sol Golf Nr Villamartin Plaza Costa Blanca

Me gusta... Computers pets walking friends t.v.

Trabajo de... property manager

Mi firma en el foro es...


deniseatnycs's latest forum comments

22 Mar 2011 6:36 PM:

Hi Dave


Have sent you a private message with some contact details.

Thread: golf society nr playa flamence/la florida

22 Mar 2011 5:18 PM:

Hi Connas 007

Not sure about Playa Flamenca but not far away at Villamartin there is one in Chemies Bar on the top level of the Villamartin Plaza.  They meet every last Saturday in the month but members often meet up in between when they are over.


Thread: golf society nr playa flamence/la florida

31 Dec 2009 4:37 PM:

Once an owner gives their proxy to vote to another then the person standing proxy can vote however they like even if instructed by the owner otherwise.  We like Auntie use a system where each owner unable to attend the A.G.M. is given the chance to vote on each item by use of a tick box on the agenda form.  This works in 95% of cases apart from one owner who totally ignores the wishes of those he is standing proxy for and uses all his proxy votes to vote for what he wants.

In answer to the question, yes proxy votes can be used to elect/re-elect a President, but no to the second part of the question as items raised in any other business (unless clearly stated on the agenda) can be discussed but not voted on unless voted to put the matter on the agenda for a future meeting

Thread: president proxy votes

10 Dec 2009 5:27 PM:

Hi David & welcome to Eye on Spain

Mick who lives on Dream Hills 1 does a newsletter for the urbanisation.  I cannot seem to find the link for this but know he also runs the forum for the area www.dreamhills2.com   I think if you contact him through this he may be able to help.



Thread: Looking for Sid and Dot

19 Oct 2009 2:26 AM:

Hi Irene

Welcome to Eye on Spain.  Yes I am afraid that non payment of Community fees is a very common problem and those of us who do pay on the dot end up subsidising those who rarely or indeed never pay.  If you look on the Community section you will see many posts on the subject and the only saving grace is that the debtors do eventually get taken to court and in the worse cases end up having their property sold at auction to cover the debt.

If the issue with the problem debtors has been passed through to the solicitors via your Administrator then this will mean that your President has taken the first steps to bring the debtors to court which is good news.  The bad news is that in certain cases this can take years although going by my own experiences many owners pay when they get the letter citing court action as they have to pay court costs on top of any outstanding fees if this goes ahead.

The fact that apartments are rented out and two are commercial premises will not make a difference to demanding payment if the owners do not/will not pay only the courts can make them.  Sorry also to have to say, that you will not get any interest on payments made into the Community unless this money is in an interest bearing account but even then the interest would go back into the Community coffers and not be returned to individual owners.  Yes you can stop future payments but if the extra charge was decided at an A.G.M.or E.G.M.  you too could become debtors if the payments are not made so maybe this area should be looked into more closely before making a decision.  Hope this helps.


Thread: community charges for special repairs - help needed.


Communities deniseatnycs has joined

Sol Golf

Las Violetas

El Mirador de Mijas

Playa Golf Ii

deniseatnycs' blogs

it´s a dogs life
"Hi all My name is Doris and I am a Spanish crossbreed who was rescued by my current owners (I say current because if things don´t change round here I´m off!) two years ago. In our house there is another dog, a grumpy old bitch named Molly and twin cats (not identical in looks or temper) Megan and Madge. Dad used to be President of our Urbanisation and now after three years Mum is El Presidente´same horse different jockey so to speak."
Last Updated: 6/23/2008 9:36:41 PM
Lifetime Views: 24027

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