The Comments |
When the time comes I think I will follow the advice of Roberto and othersand gofo Telefonica.Obviously we want the best available.
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
Where abouts are you Moondancer?
In Torrevieja there's something similar to the Office of Fair Trading, I read details on another site. Perhaps they could be useful as a threat to get something done.
I'm sure I read also that if you ask for a specific form of complaint that also normally makes the company take notice of you.
But then again there are always people complaining about Telefonica and getting nowhere.
Perhaps someone else can expand on my comments with the correct details, if not I'll do a search to see if I can find the specific thread. It was some time ago so it might take me a while.
Every establishment is required by law to make available to customers a complaint book - known in Spanish as hoja de reclamacion. As others have said, often just asking for it (demanding it) can produce results.
Yes, Telefonica are far from perfect and many people have horror stories to tell (that's probably the biggest understatement you'll read tonight)
I have had my own run-ins with Telefonica in the past, usually due to the fact that they use subcontractors to deal with faults on lines within customer's premises, and when they fail to solve the problem, Telefoncia refuse to accept responsibilty - even though the customer has no direct contact with the subcontractor. However, on balance, I still prfer to stick to the devil I know. Too often in Spain you can find yourself jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi, Its Moondancer here,
A little extra to add to the sorry saga.
I have been dealing with the shop in Parque Mediterraneo in Cartagena. My husband spoke to them 2 days ago and the manager in the shop advised that we should fill out a hoja de reclamaciones against the poeple who repair the units. We have done this and the manager had added to the hoja stating that they (the orange shop) agree with our complaint! We shall see what happens now.
As the saying goes 'WATCH THIS SPACE'
Ps: thanks for all the advise.
Hope it gets you somewhere, but sounds a bit like the shop were just passing the buck. Very typical here, I must add, but makes me mad. If you buy a pair of shoes and they fall apart within a few days, you take them back to the shop where you bought them. The shop should replace them or refund your money - not give you the name and address of the manufacturer.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
We have the same problem Justin described of no Telefonica service for the foreseeable future and an overloaded WIFI transmitter. I am told that if I take out the correct Spanish mobile contract and buy a device to connect it to my pc I can have reliable service for around 20€ a month. Has anyone any experience of mobile internet in Spain?
We have Orange 'broadband', using the little thingy you plug into your computer. It works but is so s-l-o-w.........nowhere near the speed it's meant to be. It costs 35 euros pm. The only other option was dial up which we didn't want and have been told that is also very slow.
Hi Poppyseed. Can you tell me a bit more about the Orange 'thingy'. I've read a bit about them on here and would like to know more. I have a good telefonica line, but am reluctant to have broadband through them mainly because I'm only there for a couple of months a year amd don't want to pay for a whole year. Secondly because one of my neighbours has had dreadful internet bills from Telefonica - when they've been in the UK.
Did you buy yours in the uk or in Spain and do you have to pay for a whole year, or only when used?
Many thanks, Jane.
Hi Jane, the 'thingy' is like a memory stick that you plug into the computer. At the moment there is a big advertising campaign splashed across billboards etc in the UK for Vodafone for the same thing. We did it in Spain through a company called 'euphony' and had to take out an 18month contract and it costs 35 euros per month but then no other charges are incurred. I don't think one purchased in the UK would work in Spain but I'm technically useless so may be wrong about that.
We have a telefonica line but where our villa is they wont provide broadband only dial up which we didn't think would suit our internet usage.
Perhaps you may want to check out the euphony website We didn't deal with them direct but via a local agent in our area of Peniscola. I know Vodafone also offer this in Spain and am sure there will be others. A good mobile phone shop should be able to advise you.
Many thanks Poppyseed. I didn't know any of that - I ll certainly check out the web site.
Best wishes
There was something on Watchdog the other week about these wireless broadband dongles. They will work overseas, but usage is not subject to the inclusive price, you are charged for each megabyte which can work out expensive. 3 seem to have the best UK deal, but you will have to ask each provider to see who has the best overseas coverage/ costs.
Looks like we made a good decision to buy it in Spain then!!! There are lots of mobile phone shops in Spain who will be able to advise.
Isn't this the "thingy" that Georgia posted about a while ago ?
I have purchased an USB Modem that works on the mobile phone network,basically anywhere you can get a signal for your mobile phone you can now get internet access.
Click on >>> mobile internet. Thursday, January 17, 2008
I think you'll find interest in the thread.
(Do you know just how long it has taken me to search Georgia's posts for that ?)

Thank you Morerosado. Your hard work and dedication is appreciated!
Aw, thanks Davmunster, that was good to hear as sometimes I do get negative feedback. 

I think there should be a plug-in USB device ("thingy", in technical jargon) for More, to ensure she only ever gets positive feedback.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
You monkey you, Roberto.
Hi Moondancer here again,
Just an update on Orange and my lack of internet.
I last posted on 09/04 and guess what - we still have not had our wireless modem back from Orange. They have suspended payments until we get it back, but will not cancel the contract even though it only worked for 3 weeks and has been away for repairs approx 11 (?) weeks (i lose track of time) as far as I am concerned they have broken the terms of the contract ie: I contracted them to provide me with an internet service and they have failed abismally. Orange will not cancel the contract without US paying 180€ cancellation fee. I don't agree with this and will not pay it. I have stopped hassling the shop about the return of the modem and if, IF they ever say its ready I have no intention of collecting it and cancelling the suspension of payments. I fully intend after 18 months to cancel the contract without having the suspension cancelled and paying them 180€.
The 'hoja de reclamaciones' did nothing or nothing that I have been told about.
I intend to enter the marketplace again and hope that this time I will find a service that gives me internet service! If I did not have an understanding boss I would not have been able to access my email for months.
After reading up about this on EOS I went to the Vodafone shop here in Fuengirola. I bought a "thingy" (wireless modem) for 79€ and 1 GB of access for 60€. There were 18 month contracts on offer but pay as you go seemed ideal for people like me who still have to spend most of their time back in the UK. Instalation was easy and the speed , while slower than broadband is perfectly OK.
Have been in Spain since last Saturday and today is the first time the 'thingy' has worked. Euphony helpline tried to help but didn't fix it, finally today it has just started working. It is so slow that you can take a shower waiting for a page to load.
Musicdonna, hope this answers your question, sorry not replying by PM but it really is a painful task using this in Spain!!!!