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This message was last edited by morerosado on 4/16/2008.
Thanks again all. Loving the pictorial guide to the day morerosado!
Riixxy - your welcome to the housewarming - but you might want to bring some candles :)
After the last 3 or 4 months of hell sorting the mortage, things are clicking into place now (with just 7 days to go!). Mortage finally all sorted, notary booked, blah blah.
I am actually starting to get excited again about it all, for the first time in months!
Tasmin, white paint has it's advantages - especially if you ever plan to rent your place, as tennants will mess it up. Coloured paint can fade in the sun and is then harder to patch. It also costs more usually than plain white washable. If you find it boring, just buy some nice pictures from the nearest 100 peseta shop. And by the way, I still maintain there is nothing you cannot buy here, that you would have to get in the UK or Gibraltar. Just look around. If you need British size pilow cases, for example, just go to Dunnes (Fuengirola, Mijas, Malaga etc) And don't forget there's Rixxy's favourite meatball store now.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
I know that you can buy anything in Spain but they are so much more costly. I suggested Gibraltar for buying in Serling with the Euro being so low against the £ . With people losing so much when completing now , money is a bit scarce.
We are looking at curtains at home here now and all I really want is toget out there again , some of my furniture is being delivered tomorrow and I cannot wait to see it.
Gook luck again . Take a book to the Notary .
Hi all
Am following this thread with great interest as we too are going out to complete in La Cala, CDS on the 28th. Am feeling a bit sick, think its excitement after all these years.
Have already bought my own curtains/cushions but don't know how I am going to get them out there as they are quite bulky. I know there is Dunnes Stores for all my needs but can't resist buying stuff here in Ireland and deciding on colour schemes. Haven't ordered any furniture yet but am not going for a package. So much to do, so little time.
Superdon - good luck . I will be interested to hear your experience.
when we took all our curtains and bedspreads to Spain we used them vacuum bags. You can reduce items to less than half the size. They sell them in Argos and places like that. Really useful to keep in spain with your winter items in for storage as space is such a premium.
Had thought of that too but have never used them. Will give that a try.
Well, all done and dusted! Had a great week. Was hard work and a few problems popped up, but all sorted in the end.
Managed to get completed, cleaned up and furnished in 5 days. Also, got a few of the snagging problems fixed, with just a few minor things left.
Another big thanks to Sharon for sorting our mortgage.
Thanks all!!!!
Superdon, glad to hear that.
Congratulations! Well done and nice to hear all went well for you.
May you have many, many years of Sun, Sea and Sangria. 
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Congratulations Superdon
We too are just back from La Cala, CDS, having been there since Sunday and have completed after 5 years waiting hence "tired of waiting". Got quite a bit of shopping done but am lucky we are not divorced due to differences of opinion re dining room tables and lcd tvs !!! Had to give in on the tv.
Can't wait to go back in 7 weeks for furniture delivery, etc. Its amazing what you can do in 3 days. Thanks for all the advice over the last few months. Good luck and thanks to Fiona Catchpole from this site with out snagging list................
It posted twice ! This message was last edited by morerosado on 4/30/2008.