Fitting electrial appliances and lights.
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I'm sort of working from what I have gathered from other buyers. Probably it will all become clearer when we actually hear for ourselves. From what I understood after completion the utilities change over should be be between 30-60 day and there's no access to the property during that time. Developer is arranging for that changeover- dont believe there's any suggestion that everything isnt in order just that there are alot of properties. I think people are going over to snag, complete and then there a 30 day window at least before access can be allowed. Maybe for any problems to be rectified. As I say we can be more accurate once we know for ourselves.
Jan & Mike
A word of advice to all new Spanish property owners. Make sure you have plenty of emergency lighting in your house for when you get a power outage. These don't occur very often but when they do it's very scary.
Once you have been through one then you understand why the shops sell candles in all shapes and sizes.
Now you can buy small round battery powered push lights, B & Q sell them for £5 each but if you have a Poundland store near you they sell them in packs of two. I have them in every room, so much easier than searching for a match to light a candle.
Can anyone help with this problem: We have wires for wall lights coming out of our wall 10cm from a window frame in one room and 20cm in another. Apart from the fact that this is going to look odd, we're concerned about the safety aspect - we obviously can't have curtains hanging over wall lights. Does anyone out there know anything about Spanish building regulations? Thanks
is there any problems using GU10 or MR16 downlighters
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The only problem I've heard of is ordering the wrong size for the hole in the ceiling! Some of the holes can be a bit irregular!
The holes cut in our shower room ceiling are slightly larger than those cut in neighbours  (HOW ??) & they told us what size spotlights to buy. We bought these & there's gaps around the lights, now need to go buy larger circumferance ones.
Funny you should mention that More cause when I was in 99p store last week they had a couple of different sized ones in there
I'm only looking because Chris took the old bulb out to replace and left the clip in the draining board of all places. I can remember him saying that we mustn't loose this but can't find it anywhere. I can't remember throwing it away but probaberly did when I was cleaning the draining board. All I need is the clip to hold the bulb in, perhaps we'll try fuse wire bent to shape
The downlighters generally fit as long as the hole is not smaller than 65mm
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