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30 Jan 2007 12:00 AM by plj Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

A company called ATP Estate Agents based in Torrox Costa are not to be trusted.  They will set up a contract which is not binding and also take your money in commission without your knowledge or say so.  I would state quite categorically avoid this company at all cost.

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23 Feb 2007 1:07 PM by dunner Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

Has anyone used commiskey estates they own paddys point they should put on balaclavas and do it properly, what a shower of gangsters.

stay away or suffer


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20 Mar 2007 11:51 AM by SMILEY9 Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

We met the Irish company commiskey at an exhobition in january and are booked out on an inspection trip in two weeks.Have we made a mistake?Should we use another agent?We are very nervous already without needing to hear they are gangsters.Should we use a spanish agent?Are they cheaper?Will they speak english?

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20 Mar 2007 11:52 AM by SMILEY9 Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

We met the Irish company commiskey at an exhobition in january and are booked out on an inspection trip in two weeks.Have we made a mistake?Should we use another agent?We are very nervous already without needing to hear they are gangsters.Should we use a spanish agent?Are they cheaper?Will they speak english?

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20 Mar 2007 1:29 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

IMO you do not need to go on an inspection trip. Do it yourself. Choose an area. Drive around. Speak to local people. Visit Local estate agents. They nearly all speak Spanish. OOPS!! I mean English  Best to buy what you can see, feel touch and then ask to SEE documentation that proves it is legal. If it is fairly new, ask to see the licence of first occupation certificate. MOST IMPORTANT. Do not give a deposit OR sign ANYTHING until you have engaged a good independant lawyer. That's the really difficult part of purchasing in Spain.There are sooooo many properties for sale you do not need an inspection trip. Read the forums and learn from those of us who have  had a nightmare experience in property purchase in Spain in the last 3/4 years when these forums and all of the information here was not available  to warn us of the corruption in Spain.


Such is the situation in parts of Spain, esp the CDS, EA's are so desperate to make a sale they will tell you anything to get you to sign. It will be hard, hard sell from the moment you arrive until you leave.

Good Luck.

This message was last edited by Tish on 3/20/2007.

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20 Mar 2007 1:45 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Tish,

Please don't forget that the good experiences with buying in spain far outway the bad,i feel for you if you have suffered at the hands of a rogue agent but please remember that some of us are doing a good job and trying to bring some levity to the market.

In the area i work, Guardamar, Costa Blanca, the spanish keep the market place realistic and there is not the corruption that there is on the CDS.

We certainly do not work on the "Hard Sell" and seem to very well from not doing so.


Tish maybe right about inspection trips although a bit negative about agents as a whole.

Find the area,have a look around and then approach an agent you feel comfortable with to see if they have property in the area,also ask them there commision charges so you know what is going on top,if they are reasonable they won't mind telling you.

If you then find something that you like ask your lawyer to check it out before you pay anything,then pay the deposit to the solicitor NOBODY ELSE!!!.



_______________________ still here after all these years!

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20 Mar 2007 2:11 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Hi Georgia,

I agree, not all agents are bad. Most of them are OK. That is why I stated:

Such is the situation in parts of Spain, esp the CDS,

Smiley9 did not say which area in Spain they intended looking for property.



This message was last edited by Tish on 3/20/2007.

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20 Mar 2007 2:14 PM by JeansSis Star rating. 2376 posts Send private message

JeansSis´s avatar

Knowing what I do NOW after some time looking then buying I'd say .. first time over take the cheapest inspection trip possible as then you'll get a feel of the area & what is available (though you'll ONLY be shown what THEY want you to see ) & be put in a great hotel usually, be plied with good food & drink in the local restaurants, BUT leave your cheque book & credit cards AT HOME ! USE THE BIG GUNS AS THEY OFTEN USE YOU !

In fact what I'd do if I was a newbie is book the cheapest inspection trip with a big company for the usual maximum 4 days but book yourselves a flight back for a few days after the one agreed with the inspection trip lot. They'll take you back to the airport at the end of day 3 or 4 where you say "bye" nicely & then go to car hire, pick up a prebooked car, book into a prebooked local hotel & meet Georgia or Rixxy or one of those from here if possible, someone you have grown comfortable with in EOS. Go into estate agents & sort yourself out. Depends on whether you prefer a resale or newbuild off plan too. Drive round the areas you prefer & don't be afraid of seeing a sign on a property "Se Vende" & knocking on the door as a friend of mine did then she bought the place & cheaper.


This message was last edited by JeansSis on 3/20/2007.

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20 Mar 2007 11:01 PM by ******** Star rating in UK & Murcia. 574 posts Send private message

Hi Jaime

Is the company you mention based on the Cosat Blanca?  It sounds like Comaskey's at La zenia - is this right?



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21 Mar 2007 2:54 AM by toto99 Star rating. 22 posts Send private message

As an ex telemarketer for 3 estate agents i will be honest with you, they will try their hardest to screw you its their job, never tell them that you are only threr to look as that is not only a challenge for them but also a buying signal, no matter how much you like the property they show you leave your credit cards at home, tell them you have to think about it, dont fall for the refundable deposit crap, if you do ever get it bac it can take months, and I know clients of mine that will never see them again. If they take you to meet a lawyer, go ask lots of questions but sorce an independant if you deside to buy. Remember you do not have to buy anything, but you are obliged to tour with them for the 3 or 4 days as they will have susidised the trip, dont view with any other agents while you are there as this will be inconflict with the terms of your trip.

Enjoy it relax and take it as aguided tou, if you like the company and the sales guy then great, still make up your mind when you get home and always transfer the deposit to a lawyer not the agent.



Regards Toto99

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21 Mar 2007 8:37 AM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Top Marks TOTO!!!! Straight from the "Sharks" mouth.  If we " punters" post anything like that we are immediately pounced upon by all the EA's that are here as being negative. Thanks for your honesty.

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21 Mar 2007 12:46 PM by scambuster Star rating. 144 posts Send private message

Told as it is toto99 with some agents, agree with you and Tish's posting.

BTW anyone see the tv prog. last night, Andrew Winter presents it now every Tues night.? Who was mis-selling off-plan new builds without planning permission? Parador Props. a member and Board member of the not so trustworthy AIPP.

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21 Mar 2007 12:59 PM by JeansSis Star rating. 2376 posts Send private message

21 Mar 2007 1:03 PM by scambuster Star rating. 144 posts Send private message

Thank you for that link Janice, what am I like?

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21 Mar 2007 4:39 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Forgive me if you felt"pounced on".

All i was trying to do is make people appreciate that you cannot class all agents as the lowest form of life.

Many of us take great pride in our proffesion and get great job satisfaction.

you could post threads like;Doctors-all serial killers  priests; all paedophiles  builders;all cowboys and it would not give a true reflection of most people in that chosen proffesion.


I would imagine you worked for a large EA  on 3 occasions and some of your comments are very true as is the nature of the very large beast.

I don't think though it is very ethical to use a company the way you say for viewing trips as the people who may be driving you around for 4 days are all self employed and won't get a cent for being a glorified taxi driver.

You mention the fact that it is conflict of the trip if you view with other agents although you do not mention that most companies ask you to declare that you have with you the means to pay any reservation fee.

i totally agree that nobody under any circumstances should part with any money,especially not giving it to the agent,give it only to a lawyer you trust,as an agent i reccomend a lawyer and would stake my reputation on her competence and integrity so not all lawyers are in the agents pocket!

I am sorry if anyone  feels offended by my comments but i will continue to fight my corner and for all the other honest agents that work their n....ts off to help people make the biggest financial decision of their lives.

It would be very interesting if people also posted their proffesion under their name.

For all the good guys


_______________________ still here after all these years!

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21 Mar 2007 6:29 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

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First time I have noticed there is a Smiley9 - does that mean there are another 8 of them out there somewhere - imitation the sincerest form of flattery!!


Smiley -

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22 Mar 2007 10:29 AM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

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Only if the number relates to size - then would you want to be 1??


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!

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22 Mar 2007 10:42 AM by Rose1 Star rating in El Pilar, Estepona. 78 posts Send private message

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22 Mar 2007 2:30 PM by noelandwilma Star rating in Loughborough/Porto F.... 86 posts Send private message

Harsh, Rose1, harsh

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22 Mar 2007 3:21 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

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Ah but so true..


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!

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